What is a uterus infection

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Most pelvic infection is cause by Chlamydia and/or Gonorrhea. Infection can also be caused by other bacteria. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-uterus-infection ]
More Answers to “What is a uterus infection
Are uterus infection deadly?
it can become worse without any treatment. Ive never heard of any one dying through uterus infection. Best go the doctor Hun.
Why is my uterus infection so intense?
If you ever want to have children you need to find a different doc before it gets worse and causes permanent damage. I had a uterine infection when I was younger, nearly died before being admitted into the hospital and put on high doses of …
How can I fix my uterus infection?
yes. if it is still there they need to give you something diff. tell them you want to know more and not that it’s a mild infection. good luck

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best method to get rid of a k9 uterus infection?
Q: I have a dog she is about 5 years old, she has been sick for about a week now and the vet says she has a uterus infection, and if she gets spayed the chances are that she dies and if she doesn’t she will die, my dog doesn’t have an appetite and she is to weak to even move, she has been bleeding badly and she wont even excrete or anything, please help asap, What must i do? The dog is a Great Dane/Labradoor
A: The best way to get rid of a uterine infection is to get rid of the uterus. However, it sounds like your female is too weak for surgery.Surely your vet has recommended a course of action? The non-spay method of treating pyometra (severe uterine infection) is heavy prostaglandins, combined with IV fluids and critical care support over several days. This might be your only option if she can’t survive anesthesia.Did your vet mention this?
are menstrual like cramps related to a uterus infection?
Q: 3 weeks ago i had a baby and about 12 days ago i started having chills and running a fever, so i went to the emergency room and found out that i had an infection on my uterus. they put me on antibiotics and pain killers for 10 days. since then i’ve started having menstrual like pain without the period, do you think its related ? should i be taking this seriously or is it normal?
A: You might need another antibiotic, maybe a stronger one. I would go in just to be safe. Good Luck
foods that help against uterus infection?
Q: are their food that help agains uterus infection and what are those? abd is it normal that when u had uterus infection, that it come back again?
A: eating cranberrys or even cranberry pills or drinking cranberrry juice can help wtih all kinds of infections. You might want to start just taking cranberry pills daily along with your calcium and you might see a difference. You wont be so immuned to infections.
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