What is a urinary tract infection and how do you cure it

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A urinary tract infection is caused by germs entering the bladder. Cures include drinking more water, cranberry juice or medicine [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-urinary-tract-infection-and-how-do-you-cure-it ]
More Answers to “What is a urinary tract infection and how do you cure it
How to Cure Urinary Tract Infection
・ 1 The first thing you want to do when you have even a hint of a urinary tract infection is to start hydrating… ・ 2 Studies have shown cranberry to be effective for UTI’s. Don’t use the sugar sweetened juices that are… ・ 3 D-Mannose is…
Does cranberry juice cure urinary tract infections?
Cure is too strong a word, but cranberry juice has been shown in carefully controlled experiments to help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections, or UTIs. Research in the late 1980s reported that cranberry juice (as well as blueberry ju…
Will penicillin cure a urinary tract infection?
: In short – probably not! Check out http://www.rxlist.com/penicillin-vk-drug.htm A lot of antibiotics are specific to certain types of micro-organism (i.e. bacteria) and the best way to identify the correct antibiotic is to identify the …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will penillilin cure a urinary tract/bladder infection?
Q: I have a bad bladder or urinary tract infection and can not afford to go to the doctor.I am uninsured and struggling financially.I have some penicillin in my medicine cabinet that I got for a tooth infection several months ago and would like to know if it can be used to cure my bladder infection since it’s all I have? I know amoxicillin is usually used for bladder infections but penicillin is all I have, will it work?
A: Penicillin has about a 5% chance of working. Most community-acquired UTIs are caused by E. coli, which can be quite resistant to common drugs. You really don’t want to risk that the UTI will develop into a kidney infection, which can be fatal, so you DO need to go see a doctor. If you live in a city, do a web search for a free clinic or a Planned Parenthood. You can also go to the ER, which has to treat you regardless of your ability to pay.Seriously, it’s not worth taking chances with this, and some heavy-duty antibiotics are the only thing that will get rid of it.
What kind of herbal medicine to cure Urinary Tract Infection?
A: Take Cranberry Concentrate Capsules and Garlic Capsules- 2 each, every four hours. Drink copious amounts of water and urinate as frequently as you can. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugar- including fruit juices. Rest as much as possible. You should notice a difference in 24 hours.Keep taking the garlic capsules (decrease to 3x a day) for a week to ten days.
Anyone know what the ingredients of the UTI report that can cure urinary tract infection?
Q: Supposedly you can buy these in any grocery store for less than $30 but what are they and how do they work, anyone know?
A: I’ve never heard of that particular company, but I’m willing to bet they have some combination of Cranberry, D-Mannose, Juniper Berry, Corn Silk, Uva Ursi, and/or most of the B vitamins (those are the nutrients that help the most with Urinary Tract health). If it doesn’t at least have a few of those ingredients, I would pass it up, as those are the biggest things that help. Good luck!
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