What is a thymectomy

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A thymectomy is the surgical removal of the thymus gland. Thanks for texting ChaCha, have a great day! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-thymectomy ]
More Answers to “What is a thymectomy
What is the thymus and what is a thymectomy?
The thymus is a gland located in the chest area that helps the immune system develop. A thymectomy is the removal of the thymus gland. The thymus may be removed as a treatment of Myasthenia Gravis in the hope of increasing the chance of rem…
Is thymectomy the cure?
Bhargava R , Dolai TK , Singhal D , Mahapatra M , Mishra P , Rathod N , Rathi S .
How does thymectomy result in attenuation of myastenia gravis??
It’s a great question, and the answer isn’t so clear. What’s known is that the concept of T-cell immunity and B-cell immunity aren’t divided anymore, and there is much overlap between how each cell line works and interacts in the immune res…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does thymectomy result in attenuation of myastenia gravis?
Q: If the thymus is responsible for selection against self recognizing T lymphocytes, how does thymectomy result in the reduction of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies? Is there evidence that the thymus in patients with myastenia actually dysregulated and causing B cells to produce self antigens?
A: It’s a great question, and the answer isn’t so clear. What’s known is that the concept of T-cell immunity and B-cell immunity aren’t divided anymore, and there is much overlap between how each cell line works and interacts in the immune response. In MG, there is a suprising amount of people with Thymoma (proliferation of the thymus gland, which in adulthood should involute/turn into fatty tissue), which is much higher than the general population. Furthermore, it’s noted that when thesse thymomas are resected, there seems to be a response in the MG and anti-ACH receptor abs. Hope that helps
I am having a thymectomy this week and curious about what to expect post-op. What is recovery like?
A: The recovery period and the time away from regular activities, like work or school, will vary depending on the patient’s weakness, type of surgery, and the type of the patient activities. A patient who does heavy lifting or construction work will be off work longer than someone who has a desk type job. In general, 3 to 6 weeks of limited activities is a common length of time for recovery. http://www.myasthenia.org/information/thymectomy.htm
I am looking for people with Myasthenia Gravis and am feeling so isolated anyone want to talk to me?
Q: I had a thymectomy in Oct of last year and am SO much better. Now I am feeling so useless and don’t know what to do with myself. There is too much time to think and not enough energy to do the things I should do. I am fortunate that my symptoms are not as severe as before and I am very grateful. I have so much pain in the back of my neck and shoulders that I get very depressed. Does anyone have any suggestions for this pain and weakness in the neck. I have never asked a question on this forum because I don’t want to complain. I know that many people here are much worse off than I am.
A: Elizabeth, I am glad you contacted me but I would like to put this online for other people that may have Myasthenia Gravis or do have it. I did have my thymectomy 5-1-97 and I felt great for a while. want to reinforce here that you don’t have pain with MG…you have muscle weakness. You could be overusing the muscles in your neck and shoulders that have become weakened by the MG. You have to be careful with the meds that you take with MG. There is a list of to take with caution drugs. No muscle relaxers please!! I have been able to take Vicadin with no reaction. When I was given cipro, an antibiotic, I was on the ventilator within 20 mins of it being injected in my IV. That was the doc’s fault for he saw the list but laughed. I was too weakened to say to the nurse…what are you going to give me? It is crucial that you educate yourself of this disease. You can’t reach out to the ordinary community on this for they don’t know of the med restrictions on this disease. Anything that would suppress the breathing isn’t good either.For you feeling of usefulness thus being depression, I recommend that you find a neuropsychiatrist that is educated on the affect of neurological diseases on the psychological aspect. It is real. I have been going to one since 1997. Outside factors like stress, loss of a loved one, etc. can cause MG to flare. I take an antidepressant named Wellbutrim and I do very well with it. Respond to my email I sent you and I will help you more. I am 11 years down the road with this disease and very educated on it. Plus I went through hell with it and had to get very smart to protect myself!!
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