What is a terminal illness

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a terminal illness”,you can compare them.

Each person is unique, and each person’s journey with a terminal illness is very individual. Relationships usually don’t MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-terminal-illness ]
More Answers to “What is a terminal illness
Terminal illness is defined as a condition that “will be likely to result in the patient’s death within six months”
A terminal illness is an infection or disease which is considered ultimately fatal or incurable. Usually a patient is considered to have a terminal illness if he or she seems likely to die despite diagnosis and treatment, although it is pos…
A terminal illness is defined as:・ (1) A condition caused by injury, disease, or illness from which there is no reasonable medical probability … ・ (2) A persistent vegetative state characterized by a permanent and irreversible condi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you have a terminal illness should you be able to kill youself?
Q: Say you have a terminal Illness that you know will cause you pain and anguish should you have the right to kill yourself, (but only if you have a terminal illness.) Do others have the right to tell you that you can’t? Are they allowed to tell you how to run your life?
A: I think we should all have the right to end our lives if we are terminal and the rest of our days would only be filled with pain and suffering. We are allowed to end a animals life if it is suffering but not a human life. I personally think this is totally rediculous but of course this is against the law. If more people would stand up and fight for our rights it may happen one day.If done in a medical/hospice controlled setting then I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as the terminal patient has agreed to it and they are of sound mind.
If u had a terminal illness, what are the best way to kill urself?
Q: I am just asking.. I don’t have terminal illness or do i wish to kill myself.
A: The book, Final Exit, can tell you.
What is the most prevalent type of terminal illness?
Q: I’m writing a paper and I need to know if cancer is the most prevalent type of terminal illness. If it is, i would love to know the site you got it from. If it’s not, then what is?? And again, what is your source?
A: Go to www.smallbusinessbible.org.It will help you out with your questions regarding this.
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