What is a small bump inside the labia

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The small bump on the inside of the labia could be something as simple as an ingrown hair. Ask your doctor if you’re concerned. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-small-bump-inside-the-labia ]
More Answers to “What is a small bump inside the labia
What is this small, raised bump right on the inside of my labia m…?
ive gotten one and FREAKED. Don’t worry its just an infected hair follicle, hence the whitehead. And u can get pimples down there too, because its moist and stuff.
Small bump on labia minora: what is it? and what should I do??
I’m 15 and I just started my period again like always, but I noticed a small bump on my labia minora on my right side. I took a look at it and it looks like it’s a swollen red bump. I can still walk, sit and urinate comfortably but it feels…
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of my skin and dont bother me at all other than I’m embarrassed of them. I began to get on to two bumbs sinc I was im middle school Preschooler development Preschooler test Preschooler test or procedure preparation School age child devel…

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Q: I’ve been doing a little reading about cervical cancer, but I don’t know if it matches what I’ve found. My periods have been pretty normal, I haven’t been experiencing any unusual pain, but I’m still scared. I’ve never been to a gynecologist before, because I’m still a virgin. I just don’t know anything at this point. It might be cancer, but it might be that I wore too tight shorts and I got a friction blister…I’m hoping for the latter.
A: First of all let’s hope that it’s not cerival cancer. However, if you are really worried you should go to the doctor. Don’t be shy. I had to go when I needed to. I was a bit shy at first but then I relaxed. Could it be maybe that you have masturbated frequetnty and violently? Because you could have clipped some sensitive skin and it results in a bump.Or maybe you plucked some hair? If it’s becasue of these latter reasons, the bump will soon go away.
My wife is 27 weeks pregnant. small white bumps inside labia. whitish milky discharge. What could this be?
Q: She has had several yeast infections throughout this pregnancy. THis is our first child and weve been married for 5 years. She has never displayed symptoms like this before. She had a complete vaginal checkup including blood tests and everything returned normal. Is this just another yeast infection or pregnancy related??
A: I have agree with Vanessa, and as far as the testing for HPV, most doctors test for that at every PAP, at least mine does.
question about this bump on the inside portion of my labia minora?
Q: small bump appeared inside the portion of the labia minora. It doesn’t hurt, but it is raised and about half the size of a pencil eraser. What is this? There is no other bumps surrounding it and there is no clusters of bumps. It appears clear, until I push on it a little bit and then it is somewhat white in appearance. Help please!
A: It’s probably just a pimple/zit/blemish. They’re all the same thing. If it doesn’t go away, go to the doctor.
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