What is a scab

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a scab”,you can compare them.

Scab: the incrustation that forms over a sore or wound during healing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-scab ]
More Answers to “What is a scab
A scab is made up of the blood clot and dried tissue fluids that form over a wound. It has an important function in keeping the wound bacteria free while the skin cells underneath divide rapidly to heal the opening. Eventually, the scab wil…
The human body is such a clever thing! When we cut ourselves or have an open wound, special cells in our blood stream called platelets come into action and start patching things up for us. These cells act as a kind of like a natural plaster…
Here bud. As soon as you scrape or break the skin anywhere on your body, special blood cells called platelets (say: playt-lits) spring into action. Platelets stick together like glue at the cut, forming a clot (say: klot). This clot is like…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it ok if a scab is dark red on one side and light red on the other?
Q: I fell down and my knee started to bleed.So now,since its dry,How come one side of the scab is red and the other is dark red?
A: Dark red is the older blood that side might have dried first.
Q: from a pimple after getting the crud out and it bleeds your are not supposed to pick..so i am not going to but i looks now like i have a red pimple cause of the scabmy mother said dont pick it cause it will heal which i knowHOW LONG??and is there a way to get it to heal fasterohh && is tehre any recommended things to get rid of pimples faster, like i know there are some things helpp
A: It depends.I found that if you put Neosporin on it after you pick it, it sometimes makes it heal faster.Butbutbut it can take three to eight days [estimate], depending on how bad it is.And I use a face wash called: Clarifying Herbal Astrigent.You can find it at a lot of Organic stores.It works better than the Neutrogena that I had.
How long does it take for a tattoo scab to fall off?
Q: I had a small tattoo a week ago today. Bits of the scab are falling off. How long does it usually take for the scab to fall off completely? Is that the final stage of healing? Is there anything special I need to do during this time?
A: yea dont scratch it… as much as it itches… dont scratch it at all… i made that mistake n know i have to get it done again because some of the ink came off… i would give it about 2 wks… Keep it moisturerized, I used A & D for my first tattoo. For my 2nd i didnt take care of it n its kind of messed up now… just be patient
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