What is a pneumothorax

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A type of lung collapse, it occurs when air leaks into the area between your lungs and chest wall (pleural space). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-pneumothorax ]
More Answers to “What is a pneumothorax
A pnemothorax is basically when to much pressure or tension is put on the lung and it collapses. To fix the problem doctors will usually put in a chest tube attatched to a suction machine, this will help reinflate the lung.
What is a pneumothorax?A collapsed lung (pneumothorax) results from a buildup of air in the space between the lung and the chest wall (pleural space).
Pneumothorax is a lung disorder in which air in the lungs leaks out through holes in the lung tissue into the spaces outside the lung airways. Pneumothorax is one type of lung disorders called air leak syndrome. A baby can have more than on…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Are there any autoimmune diseases that a repetitive pneumothorax (collapsed lung) is a symptom of?
A: not that i can think of
How long after a Thoracotomy for pneumothorax can I return to work?
Q: I had a Thoracotomy on 12-1-08 for a pneumothorax. What is the average time that a person is out of work for this type of procedure? I spent 8 days in the hospital.
A: It will of course, be dependant upon how you feel. If you have a strenuous job, you may be off work up to 6-8 weeks. If you have an easy job, or you sit at a desk, you may be off for 3-4 weeks after your surgery.
How long should i wait before playing sports after being in the hospital for 2 weeks for Pneumothorax?
Q: I had a pneumothorax and had to go the hospital and had surgery (I also had a chest tube). Its been 2 weeks since ive been released and 3 weeks since i’ve had my surgery. How long should I wait before playing sports again?
A: I had surgery for pneumothorax 4 weeks ago. The doc said I could resume activities except for lifting heavy things.I have been doing light activities like walking on the treadmill, and playing catch and playing in the batting cages.I’m still getting winded easily though, so I won’t resume full sports activity until I feel up to it.I say go for it if your doc clears you, but definitely pay attention to how you are feeling!
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