What is a muscle contusion

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Muscle contusions are damage to a muscle through direct impact. If not treated it can cause the muscle and bone to form together. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-muscle-contusion ]
More Answers to “What is a muscle contusion
How do i know when my muscle contusion is healing?
a contusion does not belong to a muscle, it belongs to the bone;; your shin is highly sensitive; no telling how long it will take & that’s why you got that answer from the doc;; you can help it along by frequently moving your leg, esp y…
What is a quadriceps contusion (bruising or damage to a muscle th…?
Thigh bruises occur very often in rugby, and an impact to the muscles can cause more damage than you might expect.
Can you bruise your muscle?
Yes it is possible to bruise muscle however it could be much more severe it was a impact to the knee. You should definitely get that looked at by your family physician.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do i know when my muscle contusion is healing?
Q: Please help me. Its been two weeks and i still cant straighten out my leg with out having it hurt real bad. I cant really see a bruise any more so im guessing its getting some what better. The doctor said that it will take a while but not exactly how long. Please help out.Btw the contusion is in my calf.
A: a contusion does not belong to a muscle, it belongs to the bone;; your shin is highly sensitive; no telling how long it will take & that’s why you got that answer from the doc;; you can help it along by frequently moving your leg, esp your ankles, & also by applying pressure applications surrounding your injury sight & slowly attempting to get closer to that site;; good luck, but again, it’s a senstive area, no muscle around it (almost feels like a fracture), bone generally takes 8wks to heel but it could take more or less time before you FEEL results…good luck!!
Torn Ligament or Muscle Contusion?
Q: I slipped on some wet grass while at camp and my left leg slid underneath of a deck, and when I pulled it out almost immediately afterwords I saw a lump on my ankle about an inch high, with a large dent in my ankle directly above it. The doctors told me I had a muscle contusion, however I had no pain, and seven months later the lump and dent are still present. I’ve heard it may have actually been a torn ligament and that is why I still have the large lump on my ankle and that it could take a year or two to go away. Does anybody know what is going on with my ankle?
A: that does not sound like contusion!ligaments connect bone to bone, and tendons connect bone to muscle. what you’re describing sounds like a torn tendon. what will happen is, the tendon gets separated from the bone, and then the muscle “rolls up”. torn ligaments don’t “go away”. if you want to have function of that muscle again, you need surgery to re-attach the tendon to the bone.imagine a laundry rope, with clothes spread on it. now it rips off from one end of the wall. that’s exactly what a torn tendon is; it won’t get fixed unless you re-attach the broken end!with a bit of browsing, you can find out which muscle it is. there’s a few, so it’s hard to tell. compare your one leg to your other; comapare every possible combination of movement. you will eventually find one specific movement that is harder (or impossible) to do with the injured leg. when you find that, you will be sure that it’s a ripped tendon.
Is it a good idea to shoot free throws without bending your knees?
Q: I have a muscle contusion in my left thigh and can’t bend my left knee. So i’m going to start practicing free throws without bending my knees. Is that okay? What do you think i should do to practice shooting when i can’t jump or bend my knees?
A: Well, instead of shooting free throws the usual way do this:(1) Hold the ball with two hands at chest level(2) Raise the ball over your head with your arms and elbows being straight(3) Bend your elbows to get the ball behind your head (4) Move your chest muscles/bones forward(4) Use your elbows (move upward) and chest-muscles/bones (move backward) to sling-shot the ball This elbow-bending can substitute for knee bending. If you can get it to work and ignore the resultant jokes you will be fine.
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