What is a manic

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Manic pertaining to or affected by excessive excitement or enthusiasm; craze: ChaCha anything!!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-manic ]
More Answers to “What is a manic
What is Manic?
Manic is a 2001 American drama film directed by Jordan Melamed and written by Michael Bacall and Blayne Weaver. It was shown at several film festivals in 2001 and 2002, including the Sundance Film Festival. The region 1 DVD was released Jan…
What is manic depression?
Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, is classified as a type of affective disorder or mood disorder that goes beyond the day’s ordinary ups and downs, becoming a serious medical condition and important health concern in this co…
How to Cope With Manic Depression
You can deal with it and even survive through it but above all never give up. Tags: disease medications triggers manic

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: If a person thinks that they are kinda manic that means that they aren’t manic because manic people deny that they are right?
A: Most people with mania have some insight that they’re experiencing a manic episode. However, since many manic symptoms (increased energy, elevated mood) feel so good to the person they usually will refuse treatment. But in severe mania, particularly when there are psychotic symptoms, insight may be completely lost.
What should i do if my wife has manic depression?
Q: My wife and I have been married for 8 yrs now with 3 children. I believe my wife has manic depression. The problem is she is in denial and will not go for the necessary tests or diagnosing. This is very difficult at home to say the least. Constant verbal and physical abuse for about 5yrs now, towards myself and the kids. Our oldest child is 6 and youngest 2.I feel my job as a husband should be to support my wife but I always get hurt in the process. I take my marriage vows very seriously and am a born again christian, but am actually contemplating divorce. Plz help me what should I do?PS. Her mother believes she has it and her father had been hospitalised for 1-2 yrs for manic depression and is now on the maximum dossage you can give to someone before hospitalisation.
A: You can only confront her about it, but unless she is a physical danger to herself or others, it would be morally wrong to force treatment on her. Instead of playing psychiatrist and telling her she’s bipolar as that is something no one wants to hear since that means medication (and psych meds are hell), ask her if she’ll go to marriage counselling with you. It can help a little bit, at least with the verbal abuse. Just because she has violent mood swings doesn’t mean that she should be constantly abusive. She might want to try counselling herself. The medications are hell and personally, unless her bipolar is very severe or she wants to try them, I don’t think it’s worth the side effects.
What is the difference between a manic phase and an anxiety attack?
Q: when i get an anxiety attack i get extremely keyed up and my thoughts are racing and i get twitchy, what is the difference between that and a manic phase?
A: It sounds like you’re describing the manic phase of bipolar disorder when you say that you “get extremely keyed up and my thoughts are racing and I get twitchy”. Bipolar disorder causes extreme mood swings that are divided into two episodes: manic episodes and depressive episodes. During a manic episode, you may feel overly “high” and/or irritable, and during depressive episodes, people tend to feel sad and hopeless. Drastic changes in energy and behavior also accompany these changes in mood. Anxiety attacks are usually accompanied by physical effects such as heart palpitations, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or headaches. Physically, the body prepares to deal with what it perceives as a threat. You should seek the advice of a capable physician but it sounds like you are suffering from bipolar disorder
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