What is a labotomy

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Surgical interruption of nerve tracts to and from frontal lobe of brain; often results in marked cognitive and personality changes [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-labotomy ]
More Answers to “What is a labotomy
It was a surgical procedure carried out on the front part of the brain. the doctor would take an ice-pick like tool, put it through the eye socket, then swing it back and forth.Lobotomies were used in the past to treat a wide range of sever…
lobotomy (Greek: lobos: Lobe of brain, tomy: cutting) is a form of psychosurgery, also known as a leukotomy (from Greek leukos: clear or white). It consists of cutting the connections to and from, or simply destroying, the prefrontal cortex…
They used to remove part of your brain if you were thought to be insane. It was utterly barbaric and ridiculous. If you ever get to see one flew over the cukoos nest with Jack Nicolson in it then watch it. Its very sad though.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can a doctor erase specific memories through a labotomy?
Q: lets say a little kid watched a sex scene in a movie and the parents didnt like that. could they take him to a hospital and get those scenes erased from his mind with a labotomy? does it work like that?how does a labotomy work?
A: The portion of the brain which is impacted by a lobotomy and the areas of the brain where memory is stored are different, and so no specific old memories are not going to be impacted. The process of coding memories in the short term before or after the lobotomy would be impacted, so you might want to go see your movie minutes before your procedure so that you don’t remember it.
am i entitled to INSIST that surgeons perform a ‘full frontal labotomy’ if i pay for the surgery?
Q: i got problems in my head and i want radical surgery to fix the problem. what i want to know is can i insist that the surgeon do this procedure for me. i dont want no long drawn out discussion: i just want to pay my money and get it done.whats the best way to go about this.
A: You can insist on whatever you want- it is your right as a patient to make decisions about your healthcare. But, a surgeon also has the right to refuse to perform the surgery if that doctor doesn’t think it is what is best for you. So, you’ve got to find one who agrees with you, or is willing to just do it for the money.
Do mental hospitals still use EST, labotomy, and the Therapeutic Community as ways to treat the mentally ill?
A: Labotomy’s are not used anymore, not sure what you mean by EST
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