What is a hickups

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Hiccups occur when a spasm contracts the diaphragm, a large sheet of muscle that separates the chest cavity and abdominal cavity. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-hickups ]
More Answers to “What is a hickups
What causes ‘hickups’ ?
hiya,next time you get hick ups,just take a teaspoon of sugar,it stops it Straight away.
Do dogs get the hickups?
yep. a dog who hiccups is usually healthy. it’s just a natural cause that animals and humans have. -from-Taylor
How to get rid of hickups?
Hold your breath and drink water. But one thing people forgot to mention is that you have to hold your breath AND plug your ears while you drink the water. If you dont have someone else around to plug your ears then drink from a straw while…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: i have the hickups and they hurt my throat really bad! has this ever happened to you?
A: yes and my throat hurts just thinking about it
How to get rid of hickups for more than five minutes ?
Q: These hickups are driving me crazy! I’ve had them for approx. 3 weeks now, about six time a day. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated!
A: Most likely your phrenic nerve is irritated. Go see a chiropractor and they will be able to check and see if you need any adjustments to remove the irritation.
Does anyone get the hickups or burp when they eat spicy food?
Q: I love to eat spicy pizza and hot wings, but whenever I do, it gives me real bad hickups. I mean, these things hurt. Does anyone else get that? What the heck is the reason fo it?
A: spicy food can easily cause heartburn and indigestion, so be glad you burp
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