What is a good way to stop crying

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Tips to try to stop yourself from crying are: Try to think of something positive. Pinch Yourself. Get by yourself to cry it out. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-way-to-stop-crying ]
More Answers to “What is a good way to stop crying
Is there a way to stop crying?
Ah, crying… I remember I had to do something i don’t like to. Move on. go out with friends more.
Is there a way to stop urself crying when cutting onions??
put the onions in the freezer for 20 min-30min before you cut them.
What is the best way to stop a newborn from crying?
“Very few things make a newborn cry” Either the child is hungry, tired, or in pain. Simply provide the food or sleep for the first two. If these have been eliminated, check first for exterior sources of pain (sunburn, safety pin, …

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what is a good way to stop a baby thats teething from crying?
Q: my baby just started teething . she is my first child. she won’t stop crying and im starting to pull my hair out. so any suggestions would be helpful.
A: Baby Oragel. There is day time and nighttime. Do not give medicine unless she has a fever, which is common while teething. Do not give anything that is frozen it is too cold for her. Dampen a washcloth and let her chew on it. If she does not have any other teeth let her chew on your finger while you hold her. I know that the crying is hard to handle sometimes but this is her only way of communication and she is really in pain. Good Luck
whats a good way to get a baby to stop crying?
Q: He’s a 3 month old and he just won’t stop and I’m baby sitting!
A: Try swaddling him in a blanket, placing him in a bouncer, check his diaper, see if he is hungry, walk around with him. He could be crying for a number of reasons.
Please, what is a good way to stop crying?
Q: My head is starting to kill me now, I can’t see because of the blur of my tears, I can’t stop, please what is a way to stop?!I’m about to overdose because I cannot stop, somebody help. I ugh, I need somebody to talk to.Does anyone have a messenger I can please chat to, before I do something stupid?
A: sometimes we just have to let it out….I have been there especially lately…I know why I am so sad, because I am watching someone I love self destruct…as far as I am concerned. The Lord hears my tears, and gives me the strength to go on…I am praying, that your tears to to laughter soon….I know the pain of the headaches, and the stomach aches, etc..from the heartfelt crying…but one day you will wake up and feel better,…I gave it to the Lord, and He has soothed my head…I know that whatever happens,…is what He had planned all along,…my prayers are with you..through Jesus xx
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