What is a good way to reduce swelling

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The cornerstones of treatment for sprains and strains are said to be RICE: Rest of the part of the body which has been MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-way-to-reduce-swelling ]
More Answers to “What is a good way to reduce swelling
What is the best way to reduce swelling?
keep what ever is swollen elevated, apply a cold compress to the affected area. (but . . . if you use a bag of peas, make sure you wrap it in a towel first, because it will give you an ice burn)
Is there a way to reduce swelling and bruising?
Obviously, the first thing to do is make sure it’s nothing serious. Did you lose consciousness at all? I won’t go into all those details, and have to assume you know whether it’s a serious injury or not. So assuming this is a minor bump …
What is the best way to reduce gum swelling?
Are you flossing and seeing your dentist 2 times a year? I would go see your dentist and have them check it out for you, you may have some slight periodontal issues or gum disease but make sure you at least are flossing at night EVERY DAY

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Q: My bottom wisdom teeth were removed on friday (The dentist put me to sleep and cut my gums open to get them) . My face wasn’t really swollen that bad yesterday and on friday , but now I look like a balloon , is there anyway to help reduce the swelling quicker ?
A: Take something with ibuprofen. It will relieve some of the pain but it is an anti-inflammatory and will reduce some of the swelling also. An ice pack may help also.
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A: Run cold water from the hose over it, but do NOT wrap it anymore. Run the water for like 20min at a time 2x day untill swelling goes down.
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Q: I have swimmer’s ear and it’s pure hell. My ear is swelled up so I can barely hear anything and my ear drops barely get to where they need to go, I might have a wick put in, but is there any way to reduce swelling so I can hear normal again?
A: Why are you asking strangers instead of going to an ear doctor.
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