What is a good way to help me fall asleep

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Do something that will make you drowsy. It always helps me to remember a good day, which relaxes me & helps me fall asleep. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-way-to-help-me-fall-asleep ]
More Answers to “What is a good way to help me fall asleep
What are some ways to help fall asleep?
There is nothing wrong with you. I don’t think medication would work either (“pot”, sleeping pills) because I think you get really tired but you aren’t able to fall asleep, probably because you are somewhat an insomniac, you can…..
What is a fast way to help you fall asleep?
Besides 5-HTP, valerian, warm milk and melatonin you can find other remedies in web searches for “natural sleep aids” and “natural sleep remedies”.
Does anybody have any ways to help me fall asleep?
Get into somethign comfy. Write down everything so when you wont have a “to-do” list running in your head before you go to sleep. Turn the noise down (tv, music) or replace it with white noise or a sleeping soudtrack. Have some te…

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Q: I am going into 8th grade next year and i have to wake up around 5:45 to get ready and be at the bus at 6:30 or something like that. What is a good way of Falling asleep without having to take medicine everynight?
A: Make sure you are really tired before and after your first day. It might help to get plenty of exercise the day before your first day as this will tire you out so you get a good night’s sleep. One idea is to stay up much later than you would otherwise, on the night before your first day. You might be a bit tired the next day but it won’t matter in the big scheme of things as you’ll be so tired when you get home, you’ll go to bed early. You will probably wake up early on the second day and your body clock will get used to the new regime much quicker. It’s a bit like dealing with jet lag after going on a long plane journey into a different time zone
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A: Besides chamomile tea and warm milk you can find other natural remedies in web searches for “natural sleep aids” and “natural sleep remedies”.
What is a good way to fall asleep without taking pills?
Q: I have trouble sleeping what are some good ways to fall asleep without using pills or anything like that?
A: A good workout is what does it for me, but not right before — about 2 hours ahead of bedtime is about right. Also (don’t laugh), you should have a “sleep ritual”… in other words, always do the same thing / follow the same steps when preparing for bed. Lastly, try not to do too many other things in bed besides sleep — no video games, no watching TV, minimal reading.
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