What is a good remedy for a wasp sting

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You can try Vinegar as a remedy for a wasp sting. Apply it to the wasp sting to reduce swelling and to ease discomfort. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-remedy-for-a-wasp-sting ]
More Answers to “What is a good remedy for a wasp sting
What is a good home remedy for a wasp sting?
If it left a stinger, get it out of there, the venom is in the bulb at the base of it. Make a paste of Baking Soda and water and pack it on there, leave it till it dries, then repeat as often as necessary. The baking soda will draw out the …
How to Home Remedy for Insect Bites, Bee & Wasp Stings?
This is a first aid treatment to stop the effects of bites and stings in under 5 minutes. Its very easy and it works!
How to Use Natural Remedies for Bee and Wasp Stings
The Heat is our right now in the Northern Hemisphere and Bees are attracted to perfume, hair spray, bright colors, and flowered prints. Prevention is the key but if a sting does happen here are…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Anyone know of a good home remedy for a wasp sting?
A: Make a paste of baking soda and water. Apply to bite. it will draw out poison. Also, tylenol for pain. Good luck.
Can anyone recommend a good remedy, natural or otherwise for a wasp sting on the scalp?
A: not sure about the scalp but here’s someAt some point, most people are stung by a wasp. These insects give a venomous sting which is rather painful, can itch, and usually swells. If you or a family member is stung by a wasp, take note of the initial reaction. Are the symptoms restricted to the area of the sting, or is there swelling and hives more than 12 inches from the sting? If there is a reaction farther than 12 inches from the sting, see your doctor. This is a systematic reaction, and could be fatal.Take a cotton ball and apply vinegar (white or apple) or pickle juice to the area. This will reduce swelling. If available, ibuprofen is the suggested over the counter pain medication. It works quickly to reduce swelling and pain.Other over the counter medications that work well are hydrocortisone 1%, benzocaine spray, or antihistamine creme. These work to reduce swelling, pain and itching. However, the vinegar is just as effective if these are not available.To avoid wasp stings, do not wear brightly colored clothing in areas known to be home to wasps. You should also avoid wearing perfumes, or strongly scented hair styling products.If there is a wasp’s nest on your property, call the proper authorities so they can come and destroy the nest. It is not advisable to attempt to destroy a wasp’s nest on your own, unless you have a hankering for some stingering.
What is a good home remedy for a wasp sting?
Q: I just stepped on a wasp barefooted and got stung.What can I put on it to keep the swelling and pain down?Got the stinger out, thanks Pro.I’m trying the paste (((WWotW))), thank you.Oh, and I was already well into your remedy Jack!Thanks woodtick. Baking soda is helping a lot. You too? Small waspy-world.. I got revenge on mine too. Heheh.. Nasty little buggers..Thank you cat-A-mount!Very thoughtful of you..Windex YooHoo?!Really?Interesting..Thanks!!mtwaites – Thank you so much.That’s exactly what I did and it hardly hurts anymore.Wow. Thank you Serena..Thanks wholehearted.(((Star))) – Yes mom :P(((WS, Audrey, Solstice)))You guys ROCK.MAN, I Love my contacts!
A: If it left a stinger, get it out of there, the venom is in the bulb at the base of it.Make a paste of Baking Soda and water and pack it on there, leave it till it dries, then repeat as often as necessary. The baking soda will draw out the venom and ease the swelling.
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