What is a fungal infection

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a fungal infection”,you can compare them.

Fungal infections usually begin in the lungs or on the skin. Of the wide variety of spores that land on the skin, more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-fungal-infection ]
More Answers to “What is a fungal infection
Fungi, the word for more than one fungus, can be found on different parts of the body. Here are some common types of fungal infections: Tinea (say: tih-nee-uh) is a type of fungal infection of the hair, skin, or nails. When it’s on the skin…
Antifungals, according to TheFreeDictionary.com, are drugs that are used to treat infections in various parts of the body. Basically a fungal infection can happen just about anywhere in or on your body, including the feet and the head. A fu…
Fungal infections affect cats and dogs just like they do in humans. Most parasitic fungi live as organisms in the soil – decaying leaves, plants, feces and animal matter. There are several types of fungal infections and these includ Blastom…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a fungal infection of the skin drain your energy?
Q: I’ve had a fungal infection all over my body, which I’ve been treating with medication that is applied to the skin. The medication does not mention anything about drowsiness. Could it be the actual infection causing me to be sleepy?
A: yeah i would say its possible. any body sick with anything…their bodies are trying to fight infection..of course it would make you sleepy. its also your body hinting on that you need to rest up and relax so that you CAN get better!!! hope you feel better soon
How can you get rid of fungal infection?
Q: My jock itches all the time, I suspect I have fungal infection there. I tried all kinds of over the counter medication for fungal infection. Nothing works. Is there a herbal medication for this? Im embarrased to see a doctor. Thanks
A: If you truly have jock itch, then wearing looser underwear will be a first step, as tight underwear increases the moisture in the area which the fungus loves. After washing/showering, make sure you dry the area well.When you are using over-the-counter antifungal creams/sprays, you need to realize that you will need to take it for at least 2 weeks before you really have any good effect as the fungus is hard to remove – it is imbedded somewhat in the top layers of the skin. If after two weeks of use and you are not noticing any significant improvement, then three possibilities exist.1) You need to see your doctor and may need to take an oral form of antifungal medication2) You don’t have a fungus infection but possibly something else (perhaps pubic lice/crabs)3) The itching is because you just shaved your pubic hair and its beginning to grow back.If you aren’t sure, consult your regular physician.
How to treat a fungal infection by yourself?
Q: Hi, please help me. I don’t think I can afford to see a doctor, I would like to know how to treat a fungal infection by myself?
A: Just go to any drug store, and they have cream that treats most common fungal problems (ringworm, athlete’s foot, and jock itch). Its OTC so you don’t need a prescription. Just look in the aisle with the neosporin, and wart treatment stuff. If its on your scalp (or if its ringworm which can spread to your scalp) you might want to buy some head and shoulders as well, because it contains pyrithione zinc which is an anti-fungal. Use the cream twice a day, and the shampoo ATLEAST twice a week. Keep all of this up for 3 weeks to cure it, and an additonal 2 weeks to make sure it doesn’t come back.
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