What is a fibroid tumor

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Fibroid tumors are usually benign (non-cancerous) tumors found, most often, in the uterus of women in their 30’s and 40’s. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-fibroid-tumor ]
More Answers to “What is a fibroid tumor
A fibroid tumor, also known as leiomyoma or myoma, is a mass of compacted muscle and fibrous tissue that grows on the wall (or sometimes on the outside) of the uterus. It can be as small as a pea or as large as a grapefruit. Fibroid tumors …
A fibroid tumor is a non-cancerous smooth muscle tumor of the uterous. Uterine fibroids are one of the most common medical conditions affecting women. While fibroids are generally harmless and non-symptomatic, they can sometimes grow to ver…
As we all know our bodies consist of several different cells that die and then get replaced with new healthy cells every so often. In fact this process occurs so often that most of us do not realize that our bodies have the tendency to figh…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the high risk of getting pregnant with fibroid tumor?
Q: I want to get pregnant again but i don’t know what high risk for me to get pregnant again i have fibroid tumor on my left side of my uterus.My mom keeps telling me not to get pregnant too soon because of the fibroid tumor but i want another baby should i talk to my doctor about it has anyone had fibroid tumor still got pregnant carry a baby full term.
A: I don’t have any experience with that, but I think you should talk to your doctor about how you feel. tell him you really want to try for another baby, and see what he says. You never know, it might be perfectly safe. Make sure you go over all of the risks and everything with him before you make your decision. good luck to you.
Will a doctor advise trying to get pregnant if a woman has a submucus fibroid tumor?
Q: I’m writing a story about a woman who has a uterine fibroid tumor (totally benign, but causing all kinds of problems). She will have to have a hysterectomy within the next year or so because of all of the problems the tumor is causing. She wants to have children some day, so I want to know if her doctor would advise her to start trying to get pregnant before her symptoms get too bad.
A: I don’t think a doctor would advise that. It’s too risky for the baby.
Why does fibroid tumor make you have a miscarriage or stillborn?
Q: I lost my baby i had a fibroid tumor i want to get pregnant again but i don’t what is the chance of having another miscarriage i was 16 weeks long when i lost my baby plus i had D&C about 4 weeks ago can i start trying again I don’t know why fibroid tumor make you have a miscarriage or have a stillborn any advice from anyone who went through the same thing and still trying to get pregnant with a fibroid tumor.
A: Fibroid tumors grow during pregnancy because your body is loaded with estrogen, more than when you are not pregnant. Estrogen seems to be the trigger for growth with fibroid tumors. This is why they cause miscarriages. Many times an egg isn’t even able to implant.
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