What is a disease that starts with a k

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KASHIN-BECK DISEASE is a disease that starts with a “K.” ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-disease-that-starts-with-a-k ]
More Answers to “What is a disease that starts with a k
What’s the disease that starts with a k?
Keratosis Pilaris. i have it, and its realllllly annoying.
Is there a disease that starts with k?
‘kneeishurtingitis’ A rare condition to do with the disfunction of the knee Glad I could help Sincerely, Dr D Buxton PHD
What disease do you get that starts with a “K” when you…?
There are various explanations for the development of kwashiorkor, and the topic remains controversial[3]. It is now accepted that protein deficiency, in combination with energy and micronutrient deficiency, is certainly important, but may …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s the disease that starts with a k? (READ)?
Q: All I remember is it starts with a K and it’s two words and it’s when you get those little red bumps on your skin. Please help, thanks!
A: Keratosis Pilaris.i have it, and its realllllly annoying.
Think a disease that starts with the letter J and K….?
Q: I have this project…”The Disease Alphabet”But I don’t cannot think any disease that starts with letter J and K
A: jaundicekerotosis
What disease do you get that starts with a “K” when you lack protein?
A: Kwashiokor (not sure bout the spelling).I know in Ethiopia and other African countries this is big, they eat alot of maize (carbohydrates) and not enough protein. Results in thin stick like limbs, with bloated tummies.Really, Really sad. esp the kids
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