What is a charlie horse and how do you cure it

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A Charley Horse is a muscle cramp. Massage and stretch the cramped muscle gently! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-charlie-horse-and-how-do-you-cure-it ]
More Answers to “What is a charlie horse and how do you cure it
Does anyone know a good cure for “charlie horse” cramps…?
Depends on where you get them. If you are getting them in the calves you need to stretch. Stand about 2 feet from a wall. Lean forward, placing your hands on the wall. Now bend your elbows keeping your feet flat on the floor and lean all th…
How do you cure a charlie horse cramp in your leg?
‘Charley-horses’ is the first place your body targets when you are dehydrated. Drink lots of water! I recommend purified water and Mineral Water mixed 50/50. The Mineral Water is going to put back into the muscles the minerals they are losi…
How to stop Charlie horses? Any homeopathic cures?
Eat more bananas and drink more OJ. Then when you feel one coming on flex your foot really quick. If extended it will make it worse. Sometimes you can get them to go away really quick (before they are a full cramp) by flexing.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to cure a charlie horse?
Q: I’ve been getting a really bad pain in both my calf’s for the past month.Anyway I can make it stop?
A: Grab your foot and pull it towards your shin, as far as you can. Or stand and lift your foot like you are pointing it to the sky.Hope this helps.
charlie horse cure????!!?
Q: i read in a newpaper that if you put a bar of soap under your sheets in your beds, that your charlie horses will go away,…..i tried it and it works! but i was just wondering if their was any other cures?
A: Jumping out of bed and walking on it immediately usually works for me.I also pinch the skin below my lip together really hard. That’s is a trigger point. It releases the muscle spasm within 5 to 10 seconds.
how can i cure a charlie horse?
Q: cramps in my right calf really painful.
A: Ow! Those hurt. The only thing I know of to work is to stretch your leg out and flex your toes. It hurts like hell, but it will make the Charley Horse go away.To prevent Charley Horses, make sure you get plenty of potassium. Bananas have it; so do tomatoes. I was told that by my doctor about 15 years ago when I got a lot of Charley Horses at night and when I tried including more potassium in my diet, they went away!Good luck and aloha 🙂
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