What if your tonsils are white

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Red, swollen tonsils covered completely or in patches by pus could be tonsilitis. Check with a physician for more information. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-your-tonsils-are-white ]
More Answers to “What if your tonsils are white
What are white spots on your tonsils?
Could be tonsillitis, if you are showing other symptoms such as a fever or sore throat. Or it could also be something called Tonsiliths. They are pieces of food that get trapped in your tonsils and grow bacteria. After a time, they are forc…
What are the white spots on my tonsils?
For someone who doesn’t know what tonsil stones are, it can be quite scary. People have even gone as far as thinking it’s a cancerous growth on their tonsils! Well for those of you who have white spots on their tonsils and want to know what…
Why do I have white spots on my tonsils?
You have tonsilitis. Those are infections (a nice way to put it). If they are still bad, I would go back to teh doctor because the amox. did not work.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the white spots on your tonsils during strep throat?
Q: I have strep throat and my tonsils are practically all white. I was just curious as to what exactly the white spots are?
A: Pus pockets. Consider it the evidence of the war between good guys (white blood cells) and bad guys (S. pyogenes colonies) in your throat.
What are the small lumps of off white stuff that collect at the back of your throat or around your tonsils?
Q: Every now and again i notice in the mirror small white lumps on my tonsils, they are off white in colour and eventually dislodge when you like sneeze or cough. Im not ill or anything!But what is it?Indeed i thought it was food, and thanks for all the Gay comments shows your age really. Doesn’t bother me and not a problem just was interested in what it was!
A: It is pockets in you tonsils that are collecting food and debri, kinda so gross, I have them too, they smell terrible! You can try using a flashlight and use qtips to get them out, it helps alot, theres way more then just the ones your seeing they will just start popping out when you oush on your tonsils with the qtip! I know theres a website or something for it what its called but I cant think of it right now, its normal though I guess, you could have your tonsils removed I hear,but its so painful….
Is it normal for your throat to be white where your tonsils were?
Q: I just had my tonsils removed a couple days ago and i looked in the mirror and my throat was white where my tonsils used to be.
A: yep its completely normal, its just a thing your body does to prevent infection. when i had mine out my doctor told me to expect a white scab thing to form. it was quite gross actually, but he said i should eat food like toast and crisps (even though every always tells you to eat ice cream) which can help scratch the scab away. it was gone in about a week or two.x
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