What if you have green poop

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There could be many reasons, a couple can be if you’ve eaten too much food coloring, or leafy vegetables. Thanks for using ChaCHa! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-you-have-green-poop ]
More Answers to “What if you have green poop
Green poop? what did i have?
A whole lot of vegetables? More of a vegan diet than you are used to?
What does it mean when poop green?
When your poop is green, It means that you are eating healthy. If your poop is brown, chances are you arent eating so healthy. Thats just what doctors say. Not proven yet though.
Why is my poop green?
From Heptune: Healthy people can have green poop if they eat a diet rich in leafy green vegetables, or if they consume large quantities of food coloring (in ice cream, cake frosting etc.). Green poop can also be caused by excess iron in the…

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why does my hamster have green poop and how do i stop that green poop?
Q: i was cleaning my hamster cage…and it poop on me,but it was green. So i was wondering my does my hamster have green poop? does hamster have diaherra? so i need to know for i can take care of that situation.
A: hi,I heard it is because of what it eats, just lower much food you are giving it for a few days and it should clear up. if not take it to the vets or just look on the internet.
Do vegetarians really poop green or is that just an urban legend?
Q: Sometimes when I’m eating sushi or something I’ll have green poop. Some say it’s because of vitamins but others tell me it’s because I ate too many vegetables.
A: Green poo is caused by many things. The ones that apply to vegetarians are eating way to many leafy green vegetables, or having an iron deficiency (the brown color comes from iron and bacteria). So… no, vegetarians don’t poop green any more than anyone else.p.s. This is the weirdest internet research I’ve done for a question in a while.
help! my angel fish is sick with a bloated stomach and green poop coming out. What can I do to help?
Q: It’s been standing on its head for a couple days at the bottom but now its swimming a bit but weirdly. Is there a treatment I can do? It has this weird green poop coming out that’s stuck there.
A: if its scales are sticking out like a pinecone if has dropsy you can try giving it antibiotic food and using salt baths but this condition is usually fatal.If its scales arent protruding it has bloat. Dont feed it for 24 hours then give it the inside of a cooked pea. Dropsy http://www.bettatalk.com/images/close_up_of_dropsy_copy.gifbloat http://www.ucs.louisiana.edu/~jlm2431/dropsy.jpg
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