What hurts when you pee

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What hurts when you pee”,you can compare them.

If you are having discomfort when you urinate or have a sense of urgency to go, you may have a bladder infection. Thanks, ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-hurts-when-you-pee ]
More Answers to “What hurts when you pee
Why does it hurts when i pee?
Because you couldnt keep your wee wee in your pants mija
When I pee it hurts!
What probably happened was that you got some soap inside your urethra depending on how you wash your genitals or your bladder heat up with the warm water. If the first one happened, then the urine mixing with the soap caused the penis to bu…
What does it mean if it hurts when you pee?
you have a urinary tract infection. Its fine, I get them all the time! Just get some monastat and cranberry juice. Oh and stay ouit of the bathtub for about a year just stick to showers and change your underwear about twice a day to keep it…

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Q: OK from my other question please don’t say bad things with this because of that, well when i get my period it hurts to pee and i would like to know what that means like if it’s bad or good, please help
A: I don’t think it has anything to do with your period.It is just a coincidence that both are at the same time.You probably have a bladder infection.Drink lots of water, loads of water.Drink fresh berry juice, eat cranberries.If it doesn’t pass within a few days, have your urine checked ( wait until the period is over because you don’t want blood in the urine ) and see a doctor. He’ll prescribe you antibiotics.
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A: urinary infections. Wrong spot for a hemorrhoid.
When I Pee it hurts and when i have sex it hurts when i release semen?
Q: I was tested back in may last year and i came back negative for everything, and i’ve had the same sex partner since, but i think i have a UTI, it hurts when i pee and ejaculate, i talked to a pharmacist over the phone and we ruled out kidney stone because no abdominal pains, so we narrowed it down to a UTI (urinary tract infection) or STD, but i wouldn’t think its a STDAlso im a male…which uti are very uncommon in men i think.
A: ….what’s the question? you seem to already know the answer.
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