What helps snoring

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Sleep on your side ,Elevate the head of your bed , Limit alcohol and medications ,Clear your nasal passages ,Lose weight. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-snoring ]
More Answers to “What helps snoring
What helps stop snoring?
A dentist can make a plastic mold of you teeth that will help keep your lower jaw pushed forward when you sleep. This prevents your throat from shutting off the air flow to your lungs…which causes snoring. If the air is shut off for a lon…
How the device helps in snoring?
For many snorers has been noticed that they don’t snore as loud as before or they stop snoring. The sodium ion reduces the oro-pharyngeal and soft palate edema, often met with snoring, resulting in improvement and diminishing of snoring.
How Acupuncture Helps Stop Snoring
If you can’t sleep because your partner snores all night – or you keep waking yourself up with your own snoring – you might be surprised to learn how acupuncture helps snoring! Here, an assortment of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What helps to prevent snoring? I need solutions, aids, etc.?
Q: I snore a lot. I have tried numerous sleeping positions. It’s frustrating. My mouth is open which causes dry mouth and eventually sore throats. I need help fast!
A: According to the ABC Morning Show, only two things work: the mouth piece that you see on tv and the wintergreen throat strips shown here:http://www.walgreens.com/store/product.jsp?CATID=304775&navAction=jump&navCount=1&skuid=sku3486566&id=prod3487723Nothing else supposedly works.
What helps snoring and Post nasal drip/sinus pressure? Will taking OTC ant histamines help? What kind?
Q: snoring bugs me a lot I get stuffy
A: Stay away from antihistamines and nose spray/decongestants. They will dry you out causing sinus infections over the short term and kidney/liver complications over the long term. To get rid of the sinus pressure, inhale warm salt water by the teaspoon and rinse with plain warm water. Blow this out but not too hard as you will cause damage to the sinuses. Maybe you have an allergy to mold or dust in your room. Take a teaspoon of LOCAL honey each day to fix this. Local honey will work with your body to develop immunities to any air born irritant around you. Also, try the nose strips that will open the passageway and stop the snoring. If these don’t work you may have sleep apnea-nothing to fool around with. Get to a sleep clinic if the above doesn’t work.
Are there nose strips or anything to stop snoring?
Q: I have to share a room with my mom when we go to the islands on vacation for 7 days. At home her snores can be heard through the house(on all 3 levels) So I cannot imagine what it will be like to sleep in the same room. Is there anything that cures snoring? I love my mom and everything but somethings gotta give. Thanks for all the help.
A: There are lots of reasons why people snore–none of which can be cured quickly.many people have ‘sleep apnea’ and need to use a compressed forced breathing machine (called a C-Pap or Bi-Pap).She may or may not have this.people who are overweight tend to snore more.people who sleep on their backs, also tend to snore more.Anyway–for the trip, i suggest your mom sleep on 2-3 pillows, to prop her up.Also you can buy her “Breathe Right” nasal strips, which help keep her nasal airways open, so she breathes through her nose while sleeping.For you–buy some ear plugs. I use them all the time- I have the soft, squishy kind, and they work great.best wishes to you both and have a nice trip!
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