What helps nausea

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “What helps nausea”,you can compare them.

Sip clear fluids such as water or herbal teas. Tea brewed from gingerroot is helpful for nausea, as is oil peppermint tea. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-nausea ]
More Answers to “What helps nausea
For most of my second month I had nausea that lasted from about an hour after I got up in the morning until I went to bed at night. The only thing that helped was to keep eating small amounts all day long so that my stomach never got a chan…
Nausea can happen during the first few days after starting to take an opioid. You may have a feeling of mild stomach upset or, more rarely, vomiting. Tell your doctor or nurse if you feel nauseated, and ask for a medicine to treat the nause…
Definitely small meals with protein, frequently. This is to make sure your blood sugar doesn’t drop. As soon as you become pregnant your body’s need for B6 increases drastically. 95% of pregnant women are deficient in this vitamin. In studi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What helps nausea on first day of period?
Q: I always feel suddenly nauseous when I first get my period and then it subsides after that day. Does anyone else feel like this? What helps? I can’t take Midol because of the caffeine. What can help with this sick/nauseous feeling?
A: You are probably feeling nauseous because of the sudden change in hormones. Try eating bland food on that day, eating a few crackers right when you wake up, sipping on decaffeinated tea, and if it’s really bad, your doctor can prescribe you with an anti-nausea medicine. I have felt that way before, I just try to eat lightly and drink plenty of fluids!
What helps cure your nausea during pregnancy?
Q: I’m 5 weeks and 5 days…No vomiting yet, just a lot of nausea. What has helped you avoid getting sick or control it?For me…when I’m felling nausous- the scent of laundry detergent.
A: Eat saltine crackers before you get out of bed and keep some with you at all times.
Can anyone explain science of how marijuana cures or helps nausea?
Q: I’m new to the cannabis world and today after my workout I got really sick. I thought I was going to throw up. Feeling horrible I race home, lay down find the smallest bit of strength to smoked a bowl. Within 2 minutes I felt 100% better, like I was never sick at all. Is it the THC that make the nausea disapear or does it trick your mind into thinking your are not feeling discomfort?
A: There is so little research on marijuana, atleast research available to the public that is, that we just don’t know. I doubt that it’s all in your head. I used to have an anxiety disorder and one time I was kind of anxious and my friends were smoking in the small room that we were in and I know I inhaled the smoke and it was like all the sudden I wasn’t anxious anymore. It was the most amazing thing. I really wish they could put it into pills to treat anxiety and nausea, but nope. It’s perceived as too dangerous. I used to have a drug problem (much a result of the anxiety disorder) and so I can’t really promote drug use, but I really do wish that they would study marijuana more for it’s medicinal properties. It’s really a shame that it’s not used more.
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