What happens when you get lead poisoning

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Irritability, loss of appetite, weight loss, sluggishness, abdominal pain, vomiting, and constipation are signs of lead poisoning. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-when-you-get-lead-poisoning ]
More Answers to “What happens when you get lead poisoning
What happens when you get lead poisoning?
  Lead poisoning From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lead poisoning is a medical condition, also known as saturnism, plumbism, or painter’s colic caused by increased blood lead levels. Lead may cause irreversible neurological damage as we…
How Does Lead Poisoning Happen?
Lead poisoning happens when you breathe in lead particles or you get them in your mouth. All amounts of lead are harmful to your health, even very small amounts.
What happens when a child has been identified as having lead pois…?
The laboratory that analyzes the screening (blood lead test), must report the result to the Department of Health and Senior Services and the physician that requested the test. The Department then alerts the local health department where the…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens after lead poisoning?
Q: Does the lead literally stay in your body forever or is it flushed out? I’m NOT asking for the side effects or symptoms of lead poisoning… I know that aspect. I’m looking for the answer as to if lead stays in the body for an extended period of time after exposure.
A: Once found, lead can be gotten out of the body. If lead levels are high, the doctor can give medications to help rid your body of the lead levels. The other thing that must be followed is a healthy diet because lead does not allow your body to absorb certain vitamins/minerals. Here is a website displaying a good diet and foods that will help take lead out of your system faster.http://www.fw-ac-deptofhealth.com/PDF/Lead_Prevention/Foods%20that%20fight%20lead%20poisoning.pdfIn adults, exposure to lead affects primarily the peripheral nervous system and can cause impairment and loss of hearing, vision, and muscle coordination. Lead also damages the blood (compromised immune system), kidneys, heart attacks, and reproductive system failure. Death can result from any of these long term effects.
Say I got mild lead poisoning 5 years ago but only just now realized what happened?
Q: if it was mild to begin with, would it go away/has it gone away on its own, or does it have to be treated?
A: Gone – nothing to worry about.
Can I prove that lead poisoning occurred 60 years ago?
Q: One afternoon I stumbled across a piece of information that set me on a path of inquiry into my family’s past. The information I came across was that the rosin-core solder I had in my workshop contained lead, a metal that is highly toxic especially to young children. Knowing that from before 1940 to sometime in the 1950s my father did large amounts of soldering in his job, as well as doing some soldering at home, I began to connect what up to that time seemed like completely unconnected pieces of family history. The upshot is that I now have every reason to believe that several members of my family were poisoned by lead supplied by my father’s employer. As I have extensive training in the medical sciences I have more than the average amount of clinical knowledge. Now, however, I have hit a dead end. I obviously want to prove that this atrocity occurred but since it happened 60 or more years ago the trail has gone cold. Is it too late to prove that poisoning ocurred?
A: Proving exposure may or may not be worth the effort. After 60 years, you are unlikely to be able to bring any kind of legal action against the employer or employees. Typically, the statute of limitations is 2-years after the fact. Since your Father and other family members may have been poisoned 60 years ago, you may have no legal recourse.However, since lead is a heavy metal and does not decay with time, and it is stored in fatty tissue and the bones, you could exhume the body and run a lead analysis on tissues, If lead was the cause of health problems, including death, it is likely it would still be there.If you have medical records indicating your families symptoms, you can compare them against the list below form the HUD Lead Paint Guidelines. Problem is, all of us have some of the symptoms some timesF Abdominal discomfort.F Anemia.F Colic.F Constipation.F Excessive tiredness.F Fine tremors.F Headache.F High blood pressure.F Irritability or anxiety.F Loss of appetite.F Muscle and joint pain.F Pallor.F Pigmentation on the gums (“lead line”).F Sexual impotence.Weakness.F Inability to keep the hand and arm fullyextended (“wrist drop”).Best of luck, lead still remains a problem today, but with sound work practices, it can worked with safely. Check out Government web sites, including HUD, OSHA and EPA for a phenominal amount of information.
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