What happens to you when you crack your knuckles too much

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Nothing, but your mom will tell you it causes all sorts of future problems because it annoys the heck out of her! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-to-you-when-you-crack-your-knuckles-too-much ]
More Answers to “What happens to you when you crack your knuckles too much
What will happen if i crack my knuckles too much??
According to my little google research, your fingers will not get larger and getting arthritis is slim to none. The whole “your fingers will get bigger if you crack your knuckles” is a myth. However according to most websites no o…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens when you crack your knuckles?
Q: Like what happens to your bones when your knuckles crack and what problems it can cause.
A: It depends what you are cracking. The cracking noise is a release of tension caused by a buildup of a lubricant fluid. It can cause problems if you do it constantly, but the one thing you should not crack is your neck, that can cause migraines from the rotation of the spinal chord.
What exactly happens when you crack your knuckles?
Q: I crack my knuckles, my toes, my back, my neck, my wrists and my ankles, and I’m a little curious about what causes the noise and why it feels so good after wards. Also, I’ve heard that it can be harmful to my joints. Is that true?
A: Haha I get shivers every time i hear someone crack their knuckles!! but anyways, i dont know much about other joints, but when you crack your fingers, you are actually pulling them at of their joint and then they return to their natural position, but a lot of older people that i know have artheritis in their fingers due to popping them constantly. Since joints are joints, it might be possible for this to happen in other places, but I only know for sure with the fingers.
What really happens when you crack your knuckles?
Q: I really want to know the side-effects about cracking my knuckles because i do it all the time! hahha…and my dad gives me a hard time about it so please and thank! best detail=best answer! 😀
A: the only thing ive heard is that you pop air bubbles in your joints, which, obviously, releases air. But then again, why do you have air bubbles in your joints?haha.
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