What happens if you wake someone up while they are sleep walking

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Nothing dangerous happens when you wake someone up from sleepwalking.That is just an old wives tale.If you should run …MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-wake-someone-up-while-they-are-sleep-walking ]
More Answers to “What happens if you wake someone up while they are sleep walking
Is It Dangerous To Wake Someone Up While Their Sleep Walking??
No, It’s not dangerous. Just try to redirect him back to bed, and if he resists, wake him up gently, but step back, some people could take a swing at you if they are having a bad or scary dream.
What will happen if u wake someone up while they are sleepwalking…?
basically you cant damage someone if you wake them while sleep walking. Sleep walking is a sleep phenomena that occurs in the deeper stages of sleep which makes it more difficult for the person to be awoken. Sleep walking is usually just th…
How can you wake up someone whilst they’re sleepwalking?
whatever you do DONT wake them up just DONT instead make sure they dont fall down the stairs and carefully guide them back to their bed or whatever. When they are laying down put smelling salts under their nose to carefully and slowly wake …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is It Dangerous To Wake Someone Up While Their Sleep Walking?
Q: Alright so one of my friends slept over once and he was sleep walking but I didn’t know how to react to it. Rather to wake him up or just leave it alone. What do I do if it happens again? Is it dangerous to wake him up?
A: No, It’s not dangerous. Just try to redirect him back to bed, and if he resists, wake him up gently, but step back, some people could take a swing at you if they are having a bad or scary dream.
Why is it dangerous to wake up a person who is sleep walking?
Q: My friend sleepwalks and her mother always tells me not to wake her up or something could happen but I don’t think she knows either. So i was curious as to what would happen.Also … do people have different reactions from being woken up while they are sleep walking?
A: It’s an old wives tale. My mother used to tell me the same exact thing. And NEVER call them by their name… It is best to wake them. Not that I’m an expert on this but I used to wake my ex-husband up (then husband) and he had no adverse affects from it.While reading about the stages of R.E.M. it actually explains why we sleep walk and or talk out loud. the part that normally imobilizes our body is not in use with people who sleep walk. I think it would be an interesting read for you.But I don’t believe it is dangerous at all. Just an old wives tale.
Intoxicated Sleep Walking?
Q: This might be a little disgusting… I was at my friend’s house, and I had a little too much to drink, but I wasn’t throwing up or anything, and eventually I went to sleep. The next morning I woke up walking around and then I noticed a lot of vomit in the “wrong” side of the sink where it doesn’t go down the drain and it was clogged up. My friend then woke up and we were both wondering how it happened… As he was unclogging it the contents that were clogging it, there was the stuff I ate that night so we came to the conclusion that I did it.But I DON’T remember getting up during the night and throwing up at all, and I didn’t drink to the point where I forgot anything that night, and I have yet to do that. So what I want to know, is that is it possible to be intoxicated while sleep walking? Because the way it looks, I was coherent enough to get up, walk all the way to the sink, throw up without getting it on the floor, and then go back to bed in the same position…It’s just weird to me… How would I not remember something like that??Is that at all possible? Please let me know! Sorry if it was a bit descriptive…
A: Alcohol indeed can produce amnesia. There is a pattern where your brain is extremely stimulated — it grows for about 3 hours — while you are inebriated and thus your body “moves” while your mind has no idea what is happening.It is a strange physical oxymoron — alcohol both stimulates and sedates.The best bet: drink a LOT less — if you are getting the Black Forgets then you are drinking WAY too much and next time you might find yourself behind the wheel in an accident with a death (which would be 20 to Life for you).Also, there are innumerable cases of people who have died drowning in their own alcoholic vomit. Crappy way to go, eh?
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