What happens if you sneeze with you are eyes open

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What happens if you sneeze with you are eyes open”,you can compare them.

Sneezing is a reflex and so is closing our eyes. We have no control over whether or not we close our eyes when we sneeze. Enjoy using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-sneeze-with-you-are-eyes-open ]
More Answers to “What happens if you sneeze with you are eyes open
What would happen if you sneezed with your eyes open??
Even if you could hold them open, the eyes would not pop out. The sneeze is coming from your mouth and nose, not through your eyes.
Why can’t you sneeze with your eyes open?
Sneezing is the closest thing we experience to actual death in a conscious state. When you sneeze for a split milasec your whole body shuts down, that is where the phrase “God bless you” came from. It’s polite to say “God ble…
Is it possible to sneeze with your eyes open?
・ No. If you try to, you will surely fail. ・ It is indeed possible to sneeze with your eyes open. But for some it is quite easy, although I know I …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens if you sneeze, while holding your eyes open?
Q: I know that it is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. I’m not even sure if you can hold your eyes open while sneezing, but if you did, what would happen?
A: i’ve tried it and it make ur eyes really watery and your hearing is a little messed up. because of all the pressure.
What happens when you sneeze with your eyes OPEN?
Q: I have had many answers to the following question: What happens when you sneeze with your Eyes open? One person says your eyes would fall out, another says you just Can’t. Many other people are asking me too.. so I need to find out. Thanks.
A: Apparently, according to Wikipedia, nothing much will happen in the select individuals that can sneeze with their eyes open. If you are like most people, you have a nonconscious reaction to a sneeze by closing your eyes. To prop them open to see what would happen, I think that would be painful to do since the close eye reaction is so strong.
What happens if you sneeze with your eyes open?
Q: Ok people say your eyes pop out lol but i wanna know the truth! =P
A: Impossible and if you did do it.. you’re eyes would probably hurt at the very least… but don’t do it so you can keep your eye balls 😛
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