What happens if you overdose on iron

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Iron overdose can damage heart and brain and other storage sites in the body and lead to heart attack or stroke. ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-overdose-on-iron ]
More Answers to “What happens if you overdose on iron
What are the symptoms of an Iron overdose?
Iron is a mineral found in many over-the-counter supplements. Iron overdose occurs when someone accidentally or intentionally takes more than the normal or recommended amount of this medication. Symptoms may include. * Airways and lungs o B…
Is it possible to overdose on Iron pills?
Hi wideawakeinaz: First a question, are they going to put you on birth control pills to slow your bleeding. I had a long talk with a hematologist yesterday and he seems to think that no amount of iron will suffice if bleeding is the problem…
Can you overdose on iron?
Yes. It is quite easy to overdose on iron – called iron poisoning or iron toxicity – so use of iron supplements is strongly advised against unless you actually need them.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What happens to you when you overdose on iron pills?
Q: i have some iron pills coz i was allegedly a lil bit anemic and yes i do know the risks of any overdose n i would’nt think of overdosing). im just curious to know.Coz i saw it in a show once someone had too much iron in their blood and they it made the metal detectors go off? i know its silly but i want to know specifically what happens wen its iron pills.
A: You have to take only the necessary calculated quantity of iron pills for the sufficient duration only orally. Too much may even in normal doses due to intolerance diarrohea or costipation, nausea vomiting, or pain in the stomach. Sometimes the blood cells may be destroyed. Too much of iron may affect the brain also and have the problems.
What happens with an iron overdose?
Q: I was taking three iron supplements a day. In no time at all, though, I developed a rather bothersome stomachache. On top of that, it became extraordinarily difficult to move my bowels. As of right now, I’m releasing droplets of blood whenever I attempt to move my bowels. The stomachache has also returned. What’s going on?
A: hun you need to go to the ER. Symptoms Body as a wholeDehydration Low blood sugar Accumulation of fluids in the lungs Fever SkinBluish colored lips and fingernails Loss of color from the skin (pallor) Flushing GastrointestinalVomiting blood Diarrhea Black and, possibly, bloody stools Nausea Scarring of stomach and bowels (in serious cases) Metallic taste in mouth Heart and blood vesselsLow blood pressure Fast and weak pulse Nervous systemDrowsiness Lack of desire to do anything Dizziness Headache Chills Shock Coma (may occur within 1/2 to 1 hour after overdose) Convulsions This is what they will do at the ERMedicines to cause vomiting Blood tests to check iron levels A nasogastric (NG) tube thru the nose into the stomach to empty the stomach (gastric lavage) X-ray to make sure all iron tables are gone from the stomach Medicines to treat symptoms I hope this helps hun.
what happens if you take an overdose of iron tablets?
A: Saw U recent Q first & noticed after search found this. This interested me 2 know 4 friend who take Iron supplement & how much is proper & what is over-dose. Hope this helps & Also answers ur other Q today! Signs of iron overdose include severe vomiting, racing heart, bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, bluish lips and fingernails, pale skin, and weakness. If overdose is suspected, the patient should contact poison control and/or seek emergency medical attention immediately. … on uptake is tightly regulated by the human body, which has no physiologic means of excreting iron and regulates iron solely by regulating uptake. However, too much ingested iron can damage the cells of the gastrointestinal tract directly, and may enter the bloodstream by damaging the cells that would otherwise regulate its entry. there, it causes damage to cells in the heart, liver and elsewhere. This can cause serious problems, including the potential of death from overdose, and long-term organ damage in survivors. Humans experience iron toxicity above 20 milligrams of iron for every kilogram of weight, and 60 milligrams per kilogram is a lethal dose.[5] Over-consumption of iron, often the result of children eating large quantitities of ferrous sulfate tablets intended for adult consumption, is most common toxicological cause of death in children under six. The DRI lists the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for adults as 45 mg/day. For children under fourteen years old the UL is 40 mg/day. If iron intake is excessive iron overload disorders can some-times result, such as hemochromatosis. Iron overload disorders require a genetic inability to regulate iron uptake; however, many people have a genetic susceptibility to iron overload without realizing it and without knowing a family history of the problem. For this reason, people should not take iron supplements unless they suffer from iron deficiency and have consulted a doctor. Blood donors are at special risk of low iron levels and are often recommended to supplement their iron intake. The medical management of iron toxicity is complex. One element of the medical approach is a specific chelating agent called deferoxamine, used to bind and expel excess iron from the body in case of iron toxicity.”
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