What gets rid of the nausea

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It is important to rest the stomach and yet still avoid dehydration. Clear fluids like jello, broth, etc. should help. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-gets-rid-of-the-nausea ]
More Answers to “What gets rid of the nausea
What gets rid of neusea?
dont worry! I am not pregnant
How do I get rid of nausea?
There are several different things you can try, but a lot of them depend on the cause of the nausea. First off, if your nausea is in any way related to alcohol consumption, don’t suppress it; your body needs a way to remove the toxins. Howe…
How do I get rid of nausea from nervousness?
I understand completely what you are going through. I have suffered from panic attacks for years now, but never threw up as a result. In any case, panic attacks or a horrible experience indeed. Personally, I hate taking pills; that’s just m…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you get rid of nausea?
Q: I have a motility disorder called post-viral gastro paresis which means my digestive system doesnt work correctly I’ve had it for 10 months,i’m 16, i want to know what some people do to get rid of nausea so it does not hinder daily life.
A: Get rid of nausea : Draw a imaginary line from your right hand’s middle finger up to the crease of your wrist. From three fingers breadth from the crease of wrist press very hard for 2 to 3 minutes. Immediately nausea will be stopped. FOR GASTRO PARESIS : Take treatment on the point on outer side of the leg, one inch above the ankle, press for 3 to 5 minutes. 2. Giver pressure treatment on point no. 22, 23 & 28. 3. Half -an hour before meals, eat a mixture of half teaspoon of cumin see powder (JIRA) + half teaspoon of sugar. 4. After meals, chew 2 to 3 cloves or black pepper. 5. Avoid constipation. 6. Drink 2 to 3 cups of green vegetable juice. 7. When you feel uneasy due to too much acidity, burning sensation, do as under : (i) Chew 2 to 3 pieces of black pepper with a pinch of sugar. (ii) Drink 3 to 4 table spoonfuls of cooled milk, every 15/20 minutes. If soda is available, add 3 to 4 tablespoonfuls of it to this cooled milk and drink it every 15/25 minutes till burning sensation stops. I think so, that your problem will be solved.
How to get rid of nausea caused by medication?
Q: Rollaids don’t work. I can’t drink caffenine, carbonated beverages, citric acid, chocolate, tomato based foods, spicy foods, or artificial sweeteners.The medication works but it causes nausea.So what can I eat, drink, or do to get rid of nausea?Eating crackers don’t work either.And the rollaids were for multi-symptoms.
A: Is this something you take more than once a day? If its just once a day, try taking it before bed. Then you should be able to sleep through the nausea.If you have to take it more than once a day, take it when you’re 3/4 through with a meal. That should help reduce the nausea as well.
How can I get rid of nausea from a migraine?
Q: It is awful! I’m finally getting over the head pain but the nausea is just tearing me apart here. How do I get rid of this? The other problem is I took Excedrin for the pain but now I’m kind of wide awake from it and I can’t sleep. I feel shaky and sick to my stomach! Please help!
A: Go to sleep.
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