What exactly is aids

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AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-exactly-is-aids ]
More Answers to “What exactly is aids
What exactly are aids?
First of all, AIDS isn’t multiple things, it’s one disease that can be transmitted sexually or through other exchange of fluids such as blood. AIDS stands for Acute Immuno Deficiency Syndrome The virus that causes AIDS is called HIV. Someon…
How exactly do you get aids…?
HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids that enter the body either through a cut, open sore or in a bodily orifice. AIDS is when the person begins to start showing signs of the many illnesses that one might contract because of a weakened i…
Can anyone tell me at what age exactly does one automatically get…?
I’m in my thirties and I need to start preparing for that. Bob Builder, The 3 months ago・ 4 Responses to This ↑ ・ Flag ・ Link ・ Share ・ React React

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Where exactly did AIDS start?
Q: I’ve heard so many stories about where AIDS came from. The one I think might be true is that people took a vaccine contain strains of the virus from a chimp, because its the only one that doesn’t sound like a “I blame gays or Africans” type deal. Does the scientific community have a generally agreed upon theory concerning AIDS?In Nigeria, an old cure for whooping cough was monkey brain, which did work to stop the cough. They did not eat monkeys regularly, though, because they are difficult to catch. In Africa, bestiality is highly taboo. I doubt someone slept with a monkey and lived to tell the tale.
A: Site below has a good overview of the theories. Leading possibility is that a simian virus (that effects monkeys) crossed species and infected humans. It wasn’t in a vaccine. It probably infected humans when they were exposed to monkey blood.Aloha
How exactly do you get AIDS from sharing needles?
Q: If both people are clean of any diseases, sterile, etc etc.Is it when someone else’s blood gets into your body?Just curious. I’m not sharing needles nor do I have AIDS.
A: You don’t get AIDS from sharing needles. You get it as a consequence of being HIV-infected. In order to develop AIDS, you must be HIV-positive first.Question #1: HIV lives in the blood. Drug-users who use IV drugs have to insert needles into veins, correct? Veins contain blood, correct? The virus is in the blood, correct. To confirm a “hit”, the syringe is aspirated and if blood enters the barrel, you’re in. The syringe is withdrawn but there may still be traces of blood on the needle and in the barrel. If this same syringe is soon used by another IV drug-user, there’s a very real chance the virus will be injected along with the drug. Understand?Question #2: Now, you’re saying what about if both people are free of disease. I say to you how can you give what you don’t have?Question #3: Yes and no, it’s “when someone else’s blood gets into your body” but the blood must get into your circulatory system not just “into your body”. HIV can pass through your GI tract harmlessly and yet it’s in your body, correct? So, it must enter the bloodstream.
What is AIDS exactly, like the medical deffinition.?
Q: Also How many people in Africa are living and dyin gof aids
A: Acquired Human Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome.Basically, it’s a virus that hides from your body’s immune system, and then kills your cells and turns them into “AIDS Factories.”
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