What exactly does the swine flu do to people

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What exactly does the swine flu do to people”,you can compare them.

The swine flu causes symptoms that are just like the regular flu, fever, aches, chills, nausea. It’s generally not more harmful. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-exactly-does-the-swine-flu-do-to-people ]
More Answers to “What exactly does the swine flu do to people
How exactly does swine flu kill people?
Flu weakens the body and immune system, this means the body is more susceptible to other viruses and bacteria – this is how AIDs kills. You see it a lot in hospitals after transplants – in order for the transplant to work, the patient has t…
How do people exactly die from swine flu?
Usually what kills you is not the flu itself, but an associated disease like pneumonia. Also what is known as cytokine storm can be fatal: http://scienceblogs.com/aetiology/2009/0… Thanks Bill
What happens when swine flu kills people how exactly does it kill…?
it can make people choke and they shall die

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How exactly does swine flu kill people?
Q: In Mexico people died of it because of pneumonia. But how did people die of it in the USA? A 15 year old in NJ recently died of it.
A: Flu weakens the body and immune system, this means the body is more susceptible to other viruses and bacteria – this is how AIDs kills. You see it a lot in hospitals after transplants – in order for the transplant to work, the patient has to take immunosuppresant drugs or doses of radiation to bone marrow (i.e. to turn off the immune system). When this happens, even something like the common cold can kill you.
What exactly does the swine flu do that causes people to die?
Q: I mean how is it more dangerous than the regular flu? what does it do to the human body?
A: well, after 48 hrs the virus mutates and weakens your immune system, causing pneumonia, and then you die.
How do people exactly die from swine flu?
Q: everyone has been freaking out on the death tolls of swine flu. but how does it kill you?like dehydration or what?
A: Usually what kills you is not the flu itself, but an associated disease like pneumonia. Also what is known as cytokine storm can be fatal:http://scienceblogs.com/aetiology/2009/04/swine_flu_and_deaths_in_health.phpThanksBill
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