What done causes zits

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Pimples are caused by oil that is trapped in your pores. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-done-causes-zits ]
More Answers to “What done causes zits
Is ‘accidentally’ popping a zit cause less severe scarring than i…?
It sounds like you need to see a dermatologist!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes Zits? How do you get rid of them? What causes acne & how do you get rid of it?
Q: How do i get rid of a zit & acne? and what causes it ‘coz i really want to know…THANKS!
A: •Hormones: The number one cause of acne is the production of sex hormones, known as androgen, that begins at puberty. This is why majority of acne sufferers are adolescents and teens. Hormones are responsible for then acne flare-ups during menstruation and pregnancy.•When the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens, it produces extra sebum. In its journey up the follicle toward the surface, the sebum mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. While this process is normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle increases the chances of clogging — and acne.•Stress: can also cause the production of hormones, such as cortisol, which can aggravate acne. Stress brings upon different hormone levels. With hormone changes the body prompts the skins oil glands to enlarge, secreting more oil. Which causes white heads, black heads and pimples.•Oily or heavy make up: Heavy make-up clogs the pores and oily make-ups add more oil, which only adds to the problem if oily skin already exists. Cosmetics, especially certain moisturizers, foundations and pomades contain lanolin, petrolatum, vegetable oils, butyl stearate, lauryl alcohol and oleic acid.What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:http://www.17acnetreatments.comP.S. I also know someone who used to suffer from severe acne for 14 YEARS and finally got rid of it completely. She’s sharing her story at her site:http://20six.co.uk/my-acne-solutionMaybe you could learn from her inspirational story.Good luck.
what really causes zits?
Q: ok…so i have like a perfect complexion right but some of my friends don’t…but do like greese and chocolate actually add the getting more zits cuz my friends alwasy say oh i can’t eat that it will make me break out…but then i eat it and it doesn’t make me break out…so what actually causes zits…anyone no?
A: Sometimes it can, but it depends on the person. Most of the time however, acne occurs when there is a build up of sweat and dirt in skins pores. The pores then clog up and get infected, filling up with puss. Bacteria can also cause bad acne and when thats the case, medicine is needed.
Do you believe that chocolate really causes zits?
A: No, it doesn’t.
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