What does stds look like

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Signs that are common among STDs: Grey or green discharge; Red bumps; Flesh-colored bumps; Skin ulcers; Dark urine, yellow MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-stds-look-like ]
More Answers to “What does stds look like
What do stds look like – HealthBoards Message Boards
It is probably just an infected hair shaft or something similiar, especially if you have shaved there. It will probably get better in a few days. If not, then it would be wise to have a doctor check it out. If you have not have sexual conta…
What do dog stds look like?
They may just be warts so I wouldn’t panic until you have your vet check them out. Brucellosis is one of the “STD’s” that you may see though its not that common anymore and the symptoms aren’t what you described they are usually w…
Do Diaphragms protect a woman from STDs and how does it work and …?
Yes you can have sex with a diaphragm when you have your period, it blocks the blood from coming down. It looks like a beige rubber ring with a spring in the outside rim. You need to put spermicical jelly around it before you insert it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does getting tested for STDs look bad when applying for new insurance in the future?
Q: I understand that this can be a question asked when buying health or life insurance: have you ever had STD testing before. I think I should get tested for STDs, but am worried that the fact I got tested (whether or not I test positive) might have future consequences. Is this true? Would many men (I am a man) answer yes to this question (of being tested for STDs before)?Thanks for any input.
A: No, this isn’t true. If anything, they should be happy you did this. All people should be checked regularly for STDs.
do Diaphragms protect a woman from STDs and how does it work and what does it look like?
Q: i heard you can have sex while on yoru period if you use a Diaphragm, is this true? How does it work?Does anyone like it?can someone send me a picture of what it looks like?and does it affect sex? will i be dry etc.?just to let you know i’m married. I’m just still young and dont want any children yet. Is it a crime to use birth control so i dont overpopulate the world with children i cannot care for?
A: Yes you can have sex with a diaphragm when you have your period, it blocks the blood from coming down. It looks like a beige rubber ring with a spring in the outside rim. You need to put spermicical jelly around it before you insert it.
What all does the pap smear look for during pregnancy, what stds?
A: a pap looks for cancerous cells on the cervix.i didnt know they looked for std’s, ive never had to worry about those..
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