What does rabies do to humans

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Rabies is a serious viral disease that affects the central nervous system. It typically spreads by way of the saliva of MORE?? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-rabies-do-to-humans ]
More Answers to “What does rabies do to humans
What are the symptoms of rabies in humans?
Rabies in humans is very similar to that in animals. The first sign in humans often consists of a general feeling of apprehension and itching or tingling at the site of the bite. Other signs of rabies in humans include headache, weakness, p…
How Humans Get Rabies
Humans rarely get rabies from other humans. Rabies commonly is transmitted by infectious saliva from rabies-infected wild or domestic animals. People are bitten. Or sometimes an infected animal’s lick to an open scratch, wound or mucous mem…
What happens when a human gets rabies?
In non-vaccinated humans, rabies is almost invariably fatal after neurological symptoms have developed, but prompt post-exposure vaccination may prevent the virus from progressing. Rabies can be prevented by vaccination, both in humans and …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does rabies affect humans diffrerently from other animals?
Q: In animals,it makes them unusually bold and aggressive,causing them to bite or otherwise cause bodily harm to humans or other animals,as well as coming out at unusual times of the day,but when a human gets it,the other symptoms are there,but the aggression seems non existent.Why is that?
A: Actually, they can become aggressive, just like other animals. But not all animals (including humans) will have the same exact reactions. One dog may act differently from another.In either case though, rabies is deadly. Once an animal (or human) shows the symptoms of rabies, it is too late. They will die within a week or so. There have only been a few people who have actually survived after showing symptoms of rabies (one or two by inducing a coma), and they all had serious brain damage afterwards. This is why it’s so important to quarantine an animal who has bitten a person, to watch to see if they begin to show symptoms so the person can be treated before they actually “get” rabies. The virus gets into the body immediately, but it takes time (it varies…a week or two up to several months) to actually begin to affect the person. The rabies treatment is pretty successful in keeping the rabies from affecting the person.They quarantine the animal for 10 days because if the animal dies within that time, the person needs to be treated. If the animal is still fine after the 10 days and still not showing symptoms, it’s safe to assume the animal does not have “active” rabies. It is possible they do have rabies, but the virus is not present in their saliva until it hits their brain (and they begin to show symptoms and will be dead in a week – give or take a few days), so they cannot transmit it until that time.
Is rabies a hereditary disease and how does it spread to humans from animals?
Q: plz tell me in deatil about rabies and what happen if a pet rabbit bite u.how to check that if he is infected or not.is petting rabbit safe.
A: rabies is not hereditary, you could get rabies if any canine(dog family) infected by rabies bites you.things to do if you get bittencheck if that animal dies within 2 weeks, if no you donot have rabies.if yes, the animal should be sent for test and seek a doctor immediately.the disease is fatal once it is set in.
Aside from rabies, can humans get a disease from dogs or cats that a human could not get from other humans?
Q: With the exception of service animals, most health departments in the U.S forbid dogs or cats in places where food is sold (restaurants, grocery stores, etc.). In many countries throughout Europe, however, this is not the case.I find it dificult to believe that, in those countries that allow people to bring their pets into these type of businesses, health departments are knowingy and willingly compromising the health of their citizens. Is a service animal neccessarily any cleaner than someones pet? Are U.S pets more likely to carry a communicable disease than European pets? Does the presence of a pet in such places of business increase the chance of someone getting a disease that a human could not otherwise get from other humans that own a pet? I doubt it. It does kind of beg the question, however,. and that is why I am asking the question, “Aside from rabies, can humans get a disease from dogs or cats that a human could not get from other humans?”
A: Heartworm can be transmitted to humans. Your best bet is to ask a Vet.
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