What does it mean when your pupils are big

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean when your pupils are big”,you can compare them.

Your pupils can be dilated for a number of reasons from sickness to drugs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-your-pupils-are-big ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when your pupils are big
What does it mean when your puples are big?
A number or reasons for why your pupils will go big. It is dark. You see someone you like. Like for example you see your crush or talk to him/her your pupils will dilate(which means go bigger). So one way you can tell if someone likes you o…
What does it mean when babies pupils are big?
Shine a flashlight in his eye and see if the pupils contract. If they don’t you should bring that up to his doctor.
What does it mean when your pupils are very big?
It could be that you are in the dark on in dim light, that is the most common cause.

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Q: my brother and I have been having weird eye problems the last couple of weeks. It hurts when we see bright lights and our pupils get super huge. like really huge……what does this mean? Is there something really wrong with our eyes?
A: Make an appointment with an Opthamologist.
What does it mean when your pupils are very big?
Q: My pupils are very dilated.Does this mean I am not getting enough sleep or something??Thanx a bunch and God bless!!No I am not high or drunk lol!!
A: It could be that you are in the dark on in dim light, that is the most common cause.
does it mean anything if your pupils are big alot or bigger compared to some other people?
Q: some of my friends were messin with me sayin that im on extasy because my pupils are big what does it meanif your pupils are enlarged alot or if they are dilated alot and dont say it means your stoned.
A: Different people have very different eyes, so that’s probably all it is. The pupil expands and contracts to allow for more or less light to travel to the eye, so you can see properly in different lighting conditions. If they are always dilated, that means the eye feels like it’s not getting enough light. As long as you can see alright, don’t worry about it.
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