What does it mean when your eye keeps twitching? What causes it

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Blepharospasm, the involuntary twitch of the eye, stress often leads to the condition, anxiety may make it last for longer.’MORE’ [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-your-eye-keeps-twitching%3F-what-causes-it ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when your eye keeps twitching? What causes it
What does it mean when your eyes keep twitching with out any caus…?
It probably means you are about to go off.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean when your left eye keeps twitching?
Q: For the last 4 days my left eye has been twitching on off…. I heard this is a sign of stress. Could anything else possibly be causing this?
A: Stress, tiredness and thinking about it can all cause it.I go through phases of it, not had it for ages now and can guarantee it’ll start within the hour now I’ve seen this!
what does it mean when your right eye twitches?
Q: No its not caffene or anything…I’ve just been tired and stressed and keeping my anger and sadness all to myself. I don’t know if theres a psychological reason behind this…but it’s been going on for a few weeks and even though they are muscle spasms…I want to know what causes it. Serious answers please.
A: The phenomenon you are describing is called myokymia. As you have stated, it can occur with stress, lack of sleep, allergies, and caffeine intake. The mechanism for this involuntary smooth muscle contraction is poorly understood but in your case appears to be related to your stress levels. Try to take it easy and find someone to talk with. Good luck.
does stress and not enough sleep cause your eyes ti twitch?
Q: yeah rite …. 4 almost 2 days my left eye has been twitching n’ this other time my right eye kept twitching 4 a day . Theres this chinese saying that when the left twitches its sumding good n’ wen right, sumding bad. tell me, what does it mean ? stress not sleeppp ???!!??? why do it twitch
A: Yes
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