What does it mean when your burps taste like rotten eggs

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That means that you ate something that wasn’t digested good. thanks for using chacha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-your-burps-taste-like-rotten-eggs ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when your burps taste like rotten eggs
What does it mean when you burp and it smells and tastes like rot…?
It’s what you eat – try to avoid beef and lamb if you can, stick to chicken and fish for a while, along with a varied diet of vegetables, fruits, and bread. Cut down on softdrinks as well – try the zero sugar kind in moderation.

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What does it mean when you burp and it smells and tastes like rotten eggs?
Q: I have Reflux and Gastritis, but I don’t burp like this everyday. I was wondering if anyone would know the reason why I burp and it smells and tastes like rotten eggs. Is it a virus or just part of the Reflux and Gastritis, and how can I get rid of it?
A: It’s what you eat – try to avoid beef and lamb if you can, stick to chicken and fish for a while, along with a varied diet of vegetables, fruits, and bread.Cut down on softdrinks as well – try the zero sugar kind in moderation.
I have been burping, and it taste like rotten eggs, what does mean? what causes it?
Q: i have also been having sharp pains and just pains in my stomach, are the two problems related?
A: OK know exactly what you mean. What you are experiencing is the gas released by bacteria that is in your stomach(this bacteria should not be there). Sometimes it only causes a strange taste, some times it causes nausea vomiting and diarrhea as well as cramps. It usually comes from eating improperly cooked food, but the same bacteria is found naturally in your digestive tract. You can also get it from not washing your hands and then consuming food, or from contaminated water. It can be caused by girrardia, e-coli and several other bacteria. The best thing to do is make sure that you rest, drink plenty of liquids and let it run its course. If you experience severe pain vomiting and diarrhea you need to go get checked out in the ER. If you have any pre-existing conditions such as diabetes you need to go before the symptoms get severe as you can cause dangerously low blood sugars due to vomiting. Also if you have never had your appendix removed and you have an absence of BM’s then you need to be checked to ensure that you do not have a bowel obstruction or appendicitis.
What does it mean when you burp and it tastes and smells like boiled rotten eggs?
A: gross. lol. i had burps like that once except they burned my nose! it was really weird and it happened after i drank a few sips of pop (which i usually don’t do cuz i hate pop). i eventually threw up and i felt better so yeah, maybe that will happen to you 🙂
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