What does it mean when you yawn

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The standard theories.1. Yawning is induced by hypoxia (low oxygen levels in the blood stream). 2. Yawning is a method for communicating to other individuals your physiological state of being tired. 3. Yawning is used to stretch out the lungs to….. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-yawn ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you yawn
What does YAWN mean?
an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue or boredom utter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tired be wide open
Does yawning mean your tired?
Yes , when you yawn you take a slow and deep breath that brings more oxygen to the brain. the oxygen gives your brain cells a little wake up call.
What does it mean when a dog yawns?
Dogs yawn for the same reasons we do – because they’re tired. But I assume you know that. Dogs also yawn when they feel stressed. Often, the stress is mild. Just today, I told my 8-month old puppy, “down.” Instead of complying, she looked a…

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What does it mean when people yawn while you are on the phone?
Q: Does it mean that you are boring?
A: Could be, but it could also just mean they’re tired, many people live very hectic lives and don’t always get enough sleep! Also, yawning also happens when we feel relaxed rather than bored-sleepy, so if you’re just having a nice, chilled-out chat it could be a normal reaction too.
What does it mean when you yawn the whole time working out? After about 15 mins after stoping all is ok?
Q: Please help because its hard to jogg when yawning all the time
A: Many people assume that we yawn because our bodies are trying to get rid of extra carbon dioxide and to take in more oxygen. This may make some sense. As breathing slows down, less oxygen makes it to the lungs. As carbon dioxide builds up in the blood, a message to the brain results in signals back to the lungs saying, “Take a deep breath,” and a yawn is produced. perhaps yawning is like stretching. Yawning and stretching increase blood pressure and heart rate and also flex muscles and joints. Evidence that yawning and stretching may be related comes from the observation that if you try to stifle or prevent a yawn by clenching your jaws shut, the yawn is somewhat “unsatisfying.” For some reason, the stretching of jaw and face muscles is necessary for a good yawn.
what does it mean when you yawn?
Q: i have heard if you yawn thats means you are tired, is that it?
A: From Kidshealth.org:Everybody yawns – from unborn babies to the oldest great-grandparent. Animals do it, too. But why, exactly, do people and animals yawn? No one knows for sure. But there are many theories (ideas) about why people yawn. One is that when we are bored or tired, we just don’t breathe as deeply as we usually do. As this theory goes, our bodies take in less oxygen because our breathing has slowed. Therefore, yawning helps us bring more oxygen into the blood and move more carbon dioxide out of the blood. Yawning, then, would be an involuntary reflex (something we can’t really control) to help us control our oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. Sounds good, but other studies have shown that breathing more oxygen does not decrease yawning. Likewise, breathing more carbon dioxide does not increase yawning. Hmmm. Now what?Another theory is that yawning stretches the lungs and lung tissue. Stretching and yawning may be a way to flex muscles and joints, increase heart rate, and feel more awake. Other people believe that yawning is a protective reflex to redistribute the oil-like substance called surfactant (say: sur-fak-tunt) that helps keep lungs lubricated inside and keeps them from collapsing. So, if we didn’t yawn, according to this theory, taking a deep breath would become harder and harder – and that would not be good!But there is one idea about yawning that everyone knows to be true. It seems contagious. If you yawn in class, you’ll probably notice a few other people will start yawning, too. Even thinking about yawning can get you yawning. How many times have you yawned while reading this article? We hope not many!Updated and reviewed by: Barbara P. Homeier, MD
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