What does it mean when you pee yellow

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Yellow tinted urine is quite normal and just means that you may need more fluids in your system. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-pee-yellow ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you pee yellow
What does it mean when your pee is neon yellow??
Most likely from vitamins or some other type of pill. The combination of the dyes and concentration of the minerals will be excreted in your urine about an hour or so after you take it.
Does neon yellow pee mean you could be pregnant?
No, unprotected sex, a positive pregnancy test and a confirmation ultrasound means your pregnant. Neon yellow pee just means you need to take in more fluids.
What does it mean if ur dogs pee is really yellow??
The most immediate answer is that they aren’t getting enough water to drink. It can also be that their diet has too many impurities and salts in it. If there are no other signs of disease or pain, I’d make sure they had lots of fresh water….
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