What does it mean when you are anemic and what causes it

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Anemia is a condition when your body is low on iron. The most common cause is blood loss, even from having your period. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-when-you-are-anemic-and-what-causes-it ]
More Answers to “What does it mean when you are anemic and what causes it
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What does it mean when you have no iron in your bone marrow?
Q: Here is the kicker… I am NOT anemic..they test me all the time and iron in my blood (finger prick and blood test) is absolutely normal and not even close to low. I can’t take iron pills they cause me to throw up intensely and give me horrible cramps. So no I am not on any kind of medication to help my blood iron level. Neither of my doctors can give me an explanation. So to summarize: How can you have no iron in your bone marrow but have normal iron levels in your blood??What does this mean? I don’t mean to go on but I am diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, possibly RA (got 1 test back positive waiting for results of 2nd), degenerative disk disease, diverticolitis, restless legs syndrome, my sed rate runs between 48-53(unknown inflammatory disease), and my WBC runs about 17. I am also under watch for Chronic Mylogeneous Leukemia, I DO NOT HAVE IT just under watch.Please Help!!!!!!!!!I have already had a bone marrow test done. My oncologist/hematologist and GP and neurologist are all stumped by my situation. Under watch for CML means that with the way my bloodpanel and systems are going that I could possibly develop CML but the panels at this time are not where the have to be in order to actually diagnosed with it.
A: Since you can’t take iron – try iron rich foods;cream of wheat, apricots, molassas etc.The RLS can sometimes be counteracted by more potassium IE banana but both could be sign of dehydration.You might want to talk about a bone marrow biopsy – they hurt but then the docs can look at bone marrow cells and see if there is any problems.Docs should rule out all the blood and marrow cancers also besides CML. Also look at liver panels Jewells38 months and still here
What does it mean when your hemoglobin levels drop significantly in 2 weeks?
Q: I had my blood test done two weeks ago and just recently. Two weeks ago it said my hemoglobin level was 11.2 and now it says its 9. Is there a reason it dropped so significantly in just two weeks? I didn’t have any major bleeding or anything. I went from being slightly anemic to full on anemic in a couple weeks. Does anyone know what could be the cause?
A: Two possibilities. (Three if you consider laboratory error.)One is that you are bleeding and don’t know it. From the stomach, from the guts, whatever. Lots of sources of internal bleeding.The other one is dilution. What the hemoglobin test measures is how much hemoglobin you have in X amount of blood.You have a female-looking avatar, so I will assume you are female. We females tend to lose and gain bunches of fluid. If you have more fluid in your body than you did two weeks ago, and you have the same amount of hemoglobin you did two weeks ago, your test is going to show less hemoglobin per X amount of blood.I checked into an emergency room a while back with GI complaints and inability to keep anything on my stomach. I was dehydrated. My hemoglobin was 12. They kept me in the hospital on IV’s for three days, during which time the only blood I lost was for their tests. On the third day, my hemoglobin was 7. I was overhydrated by then.So your hemoglobin can change a lot in a short period of time when you are not losing blood and when the only change is how much fluid you are carrying. Now, if you don’t think you might have gained some fluid in the last two weeks, I suggest you discuss this with your doctor, because the alternative is internal bleeding. Or laboratory error.
What Does Anemic Mean?
Q: Can Anyone Tell Me What Anemic Means And What Conditions or Side Affects It Can Cause?
A: If you are anemic your body is low in iron. It can cause weight loss and tiredness. If you suspect you are anemic your doctor can do a simple blood test.
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