What does it mean if your lips turn purple

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Your lips can turn purple when you are chilled. It can also be a sign of low oxygen content in your blood. Keep doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-your-lips-turn-purple ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if your lips turn purple
What does it mean if my lips turn purple?
Purple lips can be a indecator that your not getting enough oxygen. It can also mean that you might have a nutrition inbalance. When ever your sick, its a good idea to take a one-a-day vitamin, to make you get healthier, faster. If the symp…
What does it mean if/when your lips turn blue/purple??
Unless you’ve eaten something that’s blue/purple, it’s called cyanosis…where basically, you aren’t getting enough oxygen to a body part. It can be caused by many things, including cold weather…but if it keeps up, or spreads to any other…

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What does it mean if my lips turn purple?
Q: okay so in 4th hour yesterday my lips turned completly purple.what does that mean? is something wrong?im sick i dont know whats wrong with me.but my stomach has been hurting a lot &i havent been eating cause it makes me sick. i havent puked (yet)i have a small fevor nothing big.tired.body hurtingg. headache &throat hurts.Does any of that have anything to do with my lips turning purple?
A: Purple lips can be a indecator that your not getting enough oxygen. It can also mean that you might have a nutrition inbalance. When ever your sick, its a good idea to take a one-a-day vitamin, to make you get healthier, faster. If the symptoms persist, you should see a doctor.
What does it mean if/when your lips turn blue/purple?
Q: ?help.
A: Unless you’ve eaten something that’s blue/purple, it’s called cyanosis…where basically, you aren’t getting enough oxygen to a body part. It can be caused by many things, including cold weather…but if it keeps up, or spreads to any other part of your body, see a doctor sooner than later.You can read more about cyanosis here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanosis
i dont mean to sound like a hypocondriact, but my body seems to never be warm..?
Q: my hands are always cold, and even when its 70 degrees out my lips sometimes turn blue. last weekend, it was about 75 degrees outside, and i all of a sudden go the chills, then my hands turned purple and lips turned blue. i dont understand why. my hands and feet are never warm even if im not cold.advice anyone?
A: Could be a thyroid problem. Have you ever had it checked? It’s just a blood test.
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