What does it mean if you have all white finger nails

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean if you have all white finger nails”,you can compare them.

All white nails can signal a liver diseases such as hepatitis. Nail changes are rarely the first clue of serious illness. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-you-have-all-white-finger-nails ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if you have all white finger nails
What does the white bits that appear all over your finger nails m…?
A decent medical man or woman can tell all sorts of things about you by looking at your nails. I remember reading somewhere that when they once dug up a body from God knows where they were able to tell that the ‘owner’ had had some dreadful…

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what does the white bits that appear all over your finger nails mean?
Q: a couple of weeks ago i had these white bits starting to appear all over my finger nails and people say its calcium deficiancy or zinc and iron but i have a lot of all three of these i havn’t knocked my nails or anything like that anything i was just wondering if their is anyone with the same problem as me if so how they found out what it means if anyone has any ideas it would be great to hear them all.
A: A decent medical man or woman can tell all sorts of things about you by looking at your nails. I remember reading somewhere that when they once dug up a body from God knows where they were able to tell that the ‘owner’ had had some dreadful disease a couple of months before he died – and that was only by LOOKING – none of the chemical tests!
What does it mean if you have very white nails on fingers and toes?
Q: Instead of the usual slight pinkish tinge they usually are? Mine are very white and also I have no half moons on my finger nails? Does it mean anything? I am not worried, just interested to know. It may mean nothing. Thanks very much.I dont have little white spots on my nails, my entire nail is very white. Thanks again.
A: too little calcium
What does the white specs on your finger nails mean or what causes them?
A: I’m sure that those white marks are only damages and they are not due to vitamin deficiency or any other things. In our casual life unknowingly our nails are hurt by the edges of things or something like that. But when we notice them we think in an other way
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