What does it mean if my discharge is yellowish

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Yellow or Green discharge: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-my-discharge-is-yellowish ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if my discharge is yellowish
What does YELLOW discharge mean?
Your normal white/clear discharge will dry yellow when exposed to air, however, if it is coming out yellow, then you probably have a bacterial infection. Different Types of Discharge: White: Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning…
What does yellowish discharge mean?
This source has good general information on vaginal discharges. You should talk to your doctor. “Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.”
Does yellow discharge from vagina mean your due on your period??
My discharge has been a yellowish color throught my whole entire pregnancy and I DON’T have a UTI..yeast infection..or an STD. Everyone’s different.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is does this yellowish/clear discharge mean?
Q: For the past several months I have had a consistent discharge. It is a pale yellow when it dries and it has a semi-sweet odor… nothing fishy. The past two days, however, I began experiencing a watery discharge… almost like I’ve peed in my underwear. Nothing burns or itches when I use the restroom and it is usually heaviest right before and right after my period. Also, the past two days I have had unbearable cramps and my period ended about a week ago. What are the possibilities?In addition, I am 21 years old and sexually active with (steadily) with my fiance.
A: Sounds like some form of infection. Also a friend of mine had similar symptoms of bad cramps and discharge when she had an ovary infection.Either way, it is serious and can cause permanant damage. It is highly unlikely to clear up on its own.I would see a doctor ASAP
what does it mean to have yellowish discharge?
Q: Latley I’ve been discharging more. I used to have clearish white, now its turned to a yellowish and barely every browninsh. what does it mean and is it really bad??
A: Yellow discharge is normal, in less it smells fishy, in which you need to have a doctor check it cause it could be an infection. It also means you’re on your way to having your period.Here are the best fixes:1. Eating foods with lots of potassium ( like bananas)2. Don’t eat salty foods while on your period3. Take a hot, soothing bath with candles and your favorite reading material4. Put a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower stomach5. Eat some chocolate!Hope this helped you! If you have any other questions or concerns about your period, friendship issues, home life, or anything related to being a girl, you can E-mail me. E-mail me at [email protected] anytime you need advice. I’m always here to help, because you don’t have to go this alone. A website I visit often that has helped me a lot is www.beinggirl.com check it out its really great. Seriously don’t hesitate to E-mail me. It’s confidential and I check it several times a day and will reply as soon as possible. I also give out advice on yahoo answers. Periods and the life of a girl don’t have to be miserable! And I’m dedicated to making it easier for other girls who might not have someone to help them.
What does yellowish discharge mean?
Q: I have been sexually active since October 14th. I had sex for the first time and I’m 19. My partner (who is a few years older than me) and I have been using condoms seldomly. He sometimes doesn’t want to use condoms. The last time we did it was October 24th( using a condom). I just recently noticed that I have a dried yellowish discharge. It has a faint weird smell but I wouldnt say it is foul and there’s a little of it. What could that mean? I read some places that it could be infection or sign of pregnancy. BTW, my last period was October. 7th and I’m not on Birth control. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.I’m not due for my next period until next week.
A: This source has good general information on vaginal discharges. You should talk to your doctor.”Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.”
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