What does inhaling air duster do

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Also known as ‘huffing’, abusing inhalants deprives the brain of oxygen producing a false ‘High’ -ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-inhaling-air-duster-do ]
More Answers to “What does inhaling air duster do
What are the effects of inhaling air duster?
I’m tired of people putting smart-*** answers for questions. Inhaling air duster may be dangerous and ignorant, but the man asked a simple question. Just answer the darned thing. Within the first seconds of inhaling, you will start to exper…
Can inhaling ‘air duster’ lead to asthma later?
It can cause many things, many may not even appear until late in life, cancer, lung cancer, asthma. The only thing you should inhale is air.
WHo suspect a woman had been huffing–inhaling compressed air fro…?
“Police say woman was huffing while driving before crash” Police attribute a bizarre car crash in Duluth on Wednesday to “huffing”. Officers say the woman was inhaling compressed air, but experts say the cannisters conta…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does inhaling Air Duster or Noz REALLY mess your brain up?
Q: I mean I know its bad to do it but it sooooo addicting!Its not a cheap kind of high…to fill up a 20 pounder it’s like $100 bucks!
A: Stop doing that. I never could understand it, I had seen people do it, and I just thought it was the most ignornat thing ever. Yes, it can mess your brain up, it could even kill you. It is not meant to be inhaled into your body. Dont ever touch it again if youre smart. Dont you know why you get that crazy little buzz after you do that? Because youre dying! Your body cant function properly with those chemicals in it. Thats why when you take a good deep breath again, the buzz goes away, because you are normal again. One time you may do it not be able to take that good breath again…. Godd luck! Stop doing this!!
What are the effects of inhaling air duster?
Q: I was just wondering what the effects are. . .
A: Ummm…..Let’s put it nicely…….DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could someone please explain the appeal and effects of inhaling Air Duster (canned air)?
Q: My friends and I were being stupid one night and one whipped out a can of air duster. They huffed the entire thing in about half an hour and were freaking like crazy over it. They offered me some but I refused because the idea inhaling compressed air (and however many unknown/ harmful chemicals) really scares me. Won’t ever try it.Could someone let me know what the appeal of an “air duster high” is, and the long and short time health effects that come with using it?If anyone has a link to a website with this information it would be greatly appreciated :)My friends and I were being stupid one night and one whipped out a can of air duster. They huffed the entire thing in about half an hour and were freaking like crazy over it. They offered me some but I refused because the idea inhaling compressed air (and however many unknown/ harmful chemicals) really scares me. Won’t ever try it.Could someone let me know what the appeal of an “air duster high” is, and the long and short time health effects that come with using it?If anyone has a link to a website with this information it would be greatly appreciated :)And for the record, I haven’t tried it and have no plans to.
A: Don’t try it you can have a sudden cardiac arrest from doing it. They do it for a high but it’s dangerous.
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