What does hpv cause

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HPV types can cause warts (verrucae) or cervical cancer, while others have no symptoms. Thank you for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-hpv-cause ]
More Answers to “What does hpv cause
How does HPV cause cervical cancer?
HPV can cause normal cells on your cervix to turn abnormal. Most of the time, HPV goes away on its own. When HPV goes away, your cervical cells go back to normal. But if HPV lingers for many years, these abnormal cells can turn into cancer.
What causes hpv?
HPV is cause by a virus. The virus sheds from a person that has the virus the virus enters a microabrasions (small scratch or truma of the skin or cervical vulva perianal or anal tissue) of its host the virus then replicates changing cells …
Does Hpv Cause Infertility?
No, HPV does not cause infertility. Women can get pregnant if they have HPV. Infertility is more related with other sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea which can cause pelvic inflammatory disease if remain untreated….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

WHY does HPV virus cause tumors and warts?
Q: I know strands of HPV cause warts (benign tumors). My question is, why? Everything a virus does is normally to benefit the virus in some way: help it to reproduce, make it live longer, etc. If something doesn’t aid its survival, why bother? How does the creation of a wart or tumor aid a virus?
A: because it is and it always wants to survive and spread! that is why it develope warts!
How long does it typically take for HPV to cause abnormal Papsmear?
Q: Annual pap was atypical (not quite “abnormal”) and the HPV tested was positive. Last year the pap was normal. Is there any way of knowing whether or not the virus has been there for longer than a year? Could it have been there several years before it even would cause an atypical pap, or could it have just been obtained within the past year? (new boyfriend in the past year, and before that, was with the same partner for almost 4 years, if that matters)
A: There’s always a possibility that the HPV escaped detection in a previous PAP. Who and when – may never be known. The good news is that now you know it’s there, it can be treated and you can take precautions in the future, that help protect yourself and any intimate partner.
Does getting an HPV vaccination cause you to get common warts?
Q: I’ve had an HPV vaccination several months earlier. Recently (like 2 months ago) I got a common wart on my finger. I read it comes from and HPV virus. Don’t vaccinations actually give you the virus to help you build immunity against it?? So is that where I got it from?
A: The HPV vaccine does not contain any live virus…the vaccine is a virus like particle…sorta trick your body in building immunity to 4 genital HPV types. Two low risk HPV types 6 and11 and two high risk HPV types 16 and 18. Warts on the hand are usually not genital HPV types. They are 30+ genital HPV types and 70 other HPV types found in other areas of the body. The wart on your hand probably has nothing to do with getting the vaccine…
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