What does herpes of the mouth look like

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A cold sore is a fluid-filled, painful blister that is usually on or around the lips. Other names for a cold sore are fever more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-herpes-of-the-mouth-look-like ]
More Answers to “What does herpes of the mouth look like
Does Genital Herpes Look Like Herpes of the Mouth?
Herpes is a disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are two types of this virus, I and II. Genital herpes is usually caused by HSV-II and mouth herpes (cold sores) is caused by…
Does my friend has herpes? He has blisters around his mouth that …?
it sounds like your friend has a mild case of herpagonainsyphalites or maybe a small case of the clap.
Can you have any type of herpies around your mouth?
Yes, this sort of herpes is called a Cold Sore.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does it look the same herpes 2 y herpes 1 in the mouth?
Q: I would like to know if herpes 1 and 2 looks the same in the mouth and how often are the outbreak in the mouth in both of them?
A: Yes, both look exactly the same, but on average hsv-2 hardly causes any outbreaks in the mouth, maybe only the primary one, while hsv-1 is ‘at home’ on the mouth and causes, on average, several outbreaks a year. However how your body responds to the virus is individual and it can be many more or less. For example I have hsv-1 genitally, which ‘on average’ causes only one outbreak every 2 years, with 50% of people never having a second outbreak. I average about 6-8 outbreaks a year. It is believed about 95% of oral herpes is hsv-1, with 5% being hsv-2. However since people don’t usually get swab tests for oral herpes, unlike genital herpes, this is an estimate.
Does herpes and cold sore on the mouth look the same?
Q: I know what herpes is and what a cold sore from, “BUT” do the look the same???
A: http://www.famvir.com/info/tools/toolsprivate/resources/photos.jsp this shows gential herpeshttp://www.herpesalliance.org/S&S_pic_4.htmthis is a pic of gential http://www.herpesalliance.org/S&S_pic_1.htmthis is a pic of mouthCold sores (also called facial herpes, labial herpes or orofacial herpes) are caused by a virus, usually herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), which is passed from person to person by direct contact with infected skin or saliva.
How do herpes sores in the mouth look?
Q: Is it like a white little open sore that hurts and stings everytime saliva or food touches it? I’ve had the break outs 4 a while now. My mom says its just because the mouth is the dirtiest part of the body ,but i need some REAL advice. Can someone give it to me?
A: Herpes on the mouth are also cold sores. It comes from the same virus as genital herper but a different variation that shows up on the mouth. This type is not considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and is easily treatable.Go to your dr. first to get a proper diagnosis.
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