What does green poo mean

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What does green poo mean”,you can compare them.

Green stool often indicates that food has passed through the intestines faster than normal. Go ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-green-poo-mean ]
More Answers to “What does green poo mean
Is she formula or breastfed? When you say she hasn’t ‘drunk her milks for about a month,” what does that mean? What is she eating instead? Green poop can be normal, especially once they’re on solids. But if she is showing other inte…
Green poo: An excellent excuse for not going to work/school/friend or girlfriends house cos you really REALLY CBA! Where the excuse of ‘been sick’ or ‘got a cold’ has worn so thin, green poo is such a strange excuse it wouldn’t be questione…
ds seemed to have loose nappies until he was around 2 when it formed properly but again i was reassured that was ok as it wasn’t runny just soft just in case your dd goes the same lol

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Q: My one year old son has had several bowel movements that are florescent green, but I can’t think of a food that he ate that may of caused it, are there any other reasons for this situation?
A: when my daughter was a baby she pooped green and yellow, it was due to her formulaAt 1 though, not sure
If your poo is green, does that mean you are sick, or going to get sick?
Q: Okay, does it mean that you are sick or going to be sick if you have green poo. I’m not a baby, and I haven’t eaten anything different lately, same old stuff. I’m just worried that it could be linked to something dangerous.some more details, i haven’t eaten anything green, and I don’t eat alot of meat, but I had sausages last night. I also haven’t been eathing anything new. I have eaten the same things (basically) for the last few days, sandwich for lunch, cereal for breakfast, cordial during the day (orange stuff). This has never happened before either.
A: It could be related to what you ate, or it could be a problem. If the condition persists, go see a doctor.
what does it mean if my poo is green and comming out like diarrhea?
Q: Sorry about dihorrea Cant spell. I had a tinchy bit of green poo in my excrement. Then i ate KFC, and oh my! what agony and surprise. Also i was on my menstral that day, does pain, medicine or coke (the drink) affect this?
A: this is weird coz i have the same thing just happen… i’ve also got my period at the moment.. so i’d love to know what has caused it..
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