What does cloudy urine indicate

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Foods or drinks can affect the urine. Medical conditions include: bladder, kidney, or prostate infections, or vaginal secretions. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-cloudy-urine-indicate ]
More Answers to “What does cloudy urine indicate
What may be indicated by cloudy urine ( yellow) with strong?
Hello Thank you for your question. It is privileg to help you. Cloudy urine with strong odor similar to the odor of accompnying bladder infection most probably is becasue of infection unless proven otherwise even if there is no associated…

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Q: i crave sour food sometimes sweet too its not that i hate sweet but i crave more sour,my urine colour is v light yellow almost cloudy,i do have a morning sickness but only sometimes its worst,what do u think i,ll be having a boy or girl?i m almost 3 months pregnant and we r dying to kno our baby sex.
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Q: Im 15, i had sex 2 weeks ago tuesday and i used protection, but for some strange reason ive been acting weird. The area around my nipple is going to a dark brown, i have a light almost dark brown line going from my pubic bone to my belly button. my boobs are soft and tender.Just yesterday ive noticed that my urine has been cloudy and today it was still cloudy. Ive been drinking water, but not as much as i am suppose to.can having cloudy be related to being pregnant or just indicating a UTI?please help =(
A: What was the first day of your last menstrual cycle and when have you had sex? The symptoms you describe are certainly signs of pregnancy, but it would helpful to know the answers to these questions.
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