What does a sprained ankle look like

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Sprained ankle will be swollen, maybe bruised. Apply ice to area. for 20 minutes. Remove 20, then repeat. Keep it elevated. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-sprained-ankle-look-like ]
More Answers to “What does a sprained ankle look like
What does a sprained ankle look like?
Hello Mom, you have actually answered your own question..You describe a sprained ankle just as I would…Application of ice may help with the swelling..The bruising will go away in time..As long as she has no deformity or difficulty walking…
How to Know if You’ve Sprained Your Ankle
Recognizing the signs of a sprained ankle can shorten your recovery time and decrease further ankle damage.
How can you tell if you sprained your ankle?
well if you have pain on your ankle then that means you sprained a mussel but if it doesn’t get better soon its best to ask your parents or a doctor to see it.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does a sprained ankle look like?
A: It’s very swollen and might look bluish. And it really hurts. Ice wrapped in a towel helps.
What does an ankle sprain look like? Can it look like a huge black and blue misshapen grapefruit?
Q: Oh, and I can’t walk on it.Because that’s what my ankle looks like this morning after I tripped on a couple steps last night. I’m auditioning for a musical tomorrrow that involves dancing. I can’t have a broken ankle.Thanks. It turns out I have what they call a 3rd degree sprain. My sense of values has totally changed. Not even thinking about dancing right now, just pain meds lol.
A: Yes that sounds like a sprain but it could be broken also. You would need a doctor to tell you that. Have a look at this link.I doubt you’ll be able to dance on it tomorrow even if it isn’t broken.
How do you make your ankle look sprained?
Q: And how to make a fake bruise?Its for a play, with a very low budget.
A: I’m guessing this isn’t for a halloween costume….
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